Sunk off Manila having broken down and remained stranded for 2 months, 383 survivors only. 11-THB-123456 SMITH JOE - THAILAND or CON-1234 SMITH JOE . Prisoners are forced to live in horrendous conditions and constant fear. Had he not committed suicide, Suga would certainly have been found guilty of war crimes and executed. There were Japanese civilian doctors or medical officers who came around the camps, or there were the POW medical officers in each camp who conducted treatment. From British mathematician Arthur Thomas Doodson's Tide-prediction machine, and PLUTO (short for 'pipeline under the ocean . New Zealanders at Macassar received no mail at all. Lieutenant Colonel Philip Toosey (later Brigadier) was the senior officer in this camp and risked his own life many times by deliberately sabotaging the bridge-building efforts, completely different from the senior officer in the film. <> In 1917 she was sold to the Norfolk & North American Steamship Company (part of Furness Withy), London, and renamed Hartland Point. Camp, Hosokura, Hakodate Group, Japan, JC /207 Nishin, Nishiro, Tokyo Group,Kawasaki, Japan, JC /209 Shinagawa Camp, Tokyo Group, Japan, JC /221 Yawata No. There was once a Roman Catholic Chapel and also a small library consisting of books collected from some of the houses near the camps. Ship sunk 21 September 1944 by an unidentified US submarine. Following the withdrawal of British troops in 1971 the area was taken over by the Singapore Armed Forces and still has one of the main concentrations of military facilities on the island. But we were starving we just ate it, we had to. The list contains over 1700 names and is particularly interesting as a record of the decimation, by disease or untreated wounds, of prisoners working on the Burma-Thailand railway. endobj The prisoners resorted to digging trenches in the parade grounds as latrines. endobj Brazil arrived at Moji, Japan with approximately 425 of 1,619 POWs that began the trip on Oryoku Maru on December 13, 1944. Nevertheless, the standard of living in the camps here and in the capital was better than that of most local Koreans. However, after several escapes by POW officers and Other Ranks from Shamshuipo, Argyle Street was re-opened in mid-1942 as an officers' camp. 4 Camp, Taiwan, Formosa, JC /59 Taihoku West, Mountain Camp, Taiwan, Formosa, JC /60 Taihoku & Indin, No 6 Camp, Jungle Camp, Taiwan, Formosa, JC /24 Argyle Street, Shamshuipo, "N" Camp, "S" Camp, Hong Kong, JC /88 Numbers 1, 2, 3, 5 Camps, Hiroshima, also Fukuoka 7 &12, Zentsuji 2, Japan, JC /176 Ube, Ube Camp Mines, Higarshimizome,Hakon Shu 2 Camp, Japan, JC /181 Mororan, Muroran, Musoyan, Mussian, Hakodate Group, Japan, JC /182 Nisi Asibetsu Camp, Hakodate Group, Japan, JC /183 Akahera Camp, Hakodate Group, Japan, JC /189 Yokohama, Mitsubishi, Tokyo Group, Japan, JC /201 Seida P.W. is now making images of some original documentation and prisoner release/questionnaire forms. list of british prisoners in thailand list of british prisoners in thailand. In addition to those two hospitals, POWs were sometimes sent to nearby Army hospitals or hospitals that belonged to the companies where they worked. endobj Shuske Wada, whose charges paralleled those of Toshino, was the official interpreter for the guard group. I was hoping for a much shorter sentence and Im totally devastated, he said. Sadly, many prisons across Thailand havent changed for decades, and people are forced to live in dehumanizing conditions, cramped cells, and witness daily brutality. Allied POW camps and ship-transports were sometimes accidental targets of Allied attacks. To prevent the rescue of prisoners of war by the advancing allies, on 14 December 1944, Japanese guards herded the remaining 150 POWs at Puerto Princesa, Palawan Island, into three covered trenches used as air-raid shelters which were then set on fire. Drinking water is also scarce. Breavington asked to be finished off and more rounds of bullets were fired into the four.. A harrowing account of the sinking and murder of many POWs is found in the book Ships from Hell: Japanese War Crimes on the High Seas in World War II By Raymond Lamont-Brown. 1 Sub Camp, Fukuoka Group, Najima, Kashii PoW Camp, Japan, JC /248 Neawitz Camp,Omori Camp, Tokyo Group, Japan, JC /251 Kanose Camp D16, Hiroshima Group, Japan, JC /254 Yokohama No. endobj 32,418 POWs in total were detained in those camps. On the other hand, she is now desperately waiting for the good news that Lance will be on his way home to the United Kingdom which will be a huge step forward for the young man and of great comfort and reassurance to his family. There is some evidence that POWs here received the most humane treatment from their Japanese captors and were given a significant amount of privileges not found elsewhere. Under the prisoner transfer agreement, all outstanding fines must be paid before the matter can be progressed. endobj Some escaped by going over a cliff that ran along one side of the trenches but was later hunted down and killed. Several times a month, meat or fish was provided, but as the food situation in Japan worsened, the meat disappeared. Many of the others sentenced with me died before the sentence was carried out because they became so ill. "The normal execution was with three bursts of nine bullets from a machine-gun and you would hear it being carried out," said Mr Davies, who has a son, daughter and ex-wife in Britain. Sailed from Takao Taiwan on 22/8/44 bound for Japan (Unspecified port)arriving 8 days later with 707 POWs on board. Used to ferry 1287 British, Dutch & Australian POWs including RAF from Singapore leaving on 4th July 1944. We add around 200,000 new records each month. US submarines picked up some 63 POWs in the sea after the sinkings, The Japanese 136 others, however, 1159 POWs died. The Asaka carried 709 British & Australian POWs from Singapore to Japan but was sunk by USN aircraft off Taiwan on 13/8/44, 690 survived. While the attitude of the Japanese authorities regarding prisoners' mail seems to have been one of indifference, their attitude regarding visits to prisoner-of-war and internment camps was much more positive. FAR FROM HOME: More than 2,500 British nationals are locked up in prisons overseas (Image: GETTY) Almost 900 of the villains crammed into foreign hell holes are drug dealers, with 154 child sex beasts and 102 caged for immigration offences. H-Thailand 3270 pows left 5/5/43 and disembarked Bam Pong, 1979 men were British in this party, many of which had arrived in Singapore in February from Java. It is the long-standing policy of HMG to oppose the death penalty in all circumstances and we aim to do everything we can to prevent the execution of any British national anywhere in the world.. As in Noguchis welcoming speech and subsequent addresses, it would also appear that there was a concerted effort to convince prisoners of the legitimacy of Japanese war aims and to canvass prisoner opinion about the Japanese people and the outcome of the war. 37,583 prisoners from the United Kingdom, Commonwealth and Dominions, 28,500 from Netherlands and 14,473 from the United States were released after the surrender of Japan. However, in reality, they couldn't communicate with family more than once or twice during the duration of imprisonment, and there were camps where the POWs were not allowed to communicate with the world outside the camp at all. Jimmy Kelly was sentenced to 30 years but spent just three behind bars for selling crystal meth at the bar he owned in the southeast Asian country. "The conditions could be so dirty that I had a small cut on my foot which got infected with tap water and swelled up to twice the size so they thought they might have to amputate.". (Ned Kelly, a legendary Australian outlaw, was a popular choice!) Its not a secret that female prisoners across the globe face some unique challenges. Sailed from Singapore to Moji (Japan) departed 20/9/43 with 507 POWs. It was a place of starvation, torture and terror, a place of madness and, for many, death. 1093710. As prisoners tried to escape the flames they were then bayoneted or shot down. It is quite a different picture from September 2016 when the Thai Appeals Court upheld the UK mans 50 year sentence. A -Burma left Singapore on 14/5/42 Celebes Maru & disembarkedVictoria Point, in Burma. Of the 1210 people on board, a total of 339 were lost that night, 308 workers (including POWs), 26 prostitutes and 5 Japanese soldiers. Sadly, many people with addiction can also face long sentences. This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total. 13 & 3 Camp, Cherison, Bandoeng, Java, JC /255 1 Allied Group Hospital, Lyceum, Bandoeng, Java, JC /156 Taiping Jail Perak ( amalgamated with ) Ipoh, Malaya, JC /288 Ipoh ( amalagamated with JC /156 ), Malaya, JC /296 Sungei Bulow, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Malaya, JC /316 Oesapa Bezar, Timor, Netherlands East Indies, JC /313 Los Banos and Santo Tomas Camps, Manila, Philippines, JC /1 Kanburi, Kanchanaburi, Khan Buri, Siam, JC /2 Pungyisho ( south of Tarsao ), Siam, JC /5 152 kilo railway camp, Hintock River Camp, Siam, JC /26 Tamuang,Taenvang, Tam Wang, Siam, JC /27 Wanyei, North Tarsao, 125 kilo railway camp, Siam, JC /34 Takelin, 101 kiol railway camp, Siam, JC /40 Linson, 202.5 kilo railway camp, Siam, JC /42 Kanyu, 140 kilo railway camp, Siam, JC /48 Pran Kashi, 208 kilo railway camp, Siam, JC /49 Tarkenun, 203 kilo railway camp and 211 kilo, Swinton's Camp, Siam, JC /50 Tampii, Arrahill, Jungle Camp, Siam, JC /53 227 kilo railway camp and 245 kilo, Siam, JC /55 Vajiravugh College, Bangkok, Siam, JC /56 Takanon, 228 kilo railway camp, Siam, JC /61 Klikrie, Klien Kli, Tarkenum, 240 kilo railway camp, Siam, JC /62 Ladya Railway Suppy Camp, Kanburi to Tarsao Road, Siam, JC /70 Bankow, Bangkao, 96 kilo railway camp, Siam, JC /71 Wampo South, 110 kilo railway camp, Siam, JC /72 245 kilo railway camp and 227 kilo, Siam, JC /81 Rin Tin, 82 kilo railway camp, Siam, JC /86 Tampii Camp, 147 kilo railway camp, Siam, JC /96 North Wamps, Wamps, 114 kilo railway camp, Siam, JC /99 Lampoe, 32 kilo north of Chieng-Mai, Siam, JC /126 230 kilo railway camp and 245 kilo, Siam, JC /133 Tamajo, 229 kilo railway camp, and 234, and 239 kilo, Siam, JC /137 Kachu Lu, Katchu Mountain Camp, Siam, JC /143 Bangan Camp, 9 kilo north of Brencasi, Siam, JC /159 Tarkenun,Swinton's Camp, 230 kilo railway camp, Siam, JC /164 Tarrua, 102 kilo railway camp, Siam, JC /178 Tagerry ( Burma/Siam border ), Siam, JC /190 Bontilon Camp, ( on Wampo to Tavoy Rd ), Bonti, Siam, JC /3 Kranji No. One of them is Lindsay Sandiford, a British gran from Cheltenham convicted in Bali of smuggling 4.8kg of cocaine. From 1933 to 1945, Nazi Germany operated more . Klong Prem Prison is in Ngamwongwang Road in north Bangkok, and includes a medium term center, Bangkok Remand Prison, and the juvenile remand center. In January 1942 it was emptied, with the POWs moving to Shamshuipo, North Point, and Ma Tau Chung Camps. Ireland had 222 British offenders in jail, while Australia housed 144. She describes the whole journey, in one Facebook post, as the will of God which she and her son try to accept. None survived. "One minute the person would be in the cell with you and the next they would be gone, although they have changed now to lethal injections. Both ships reached Takao harbour in Taiwan on New Year's Day, where the smaller group of prisoners was transferred from Brazil Maru to Enoura Maru, and 37 British and Dutch were taken ashore. The prison is a maximum security facility with over 20,000 inmates being held cramped and unhygenic conditions. He would help anyone in need, she said then. Repair work continued and both bridges were operational again by the end of May. A few POWs did technical work and demonstrated their excellent technical skills. Mark Rumble, 31, was extradited back to the UK from Thailand on January 27 The most notorious use of forced labour was in the construction of the BurmaThailand 'Death Railway'. sailed from Singapore on 16 May 43. Companies paid the total wages to the accountant officer of the Japanese Army, who gave it to a POW officer, who paid the POWs. The camp commandants often refused to reply to questions put to them. After the Australians refused to sign any agreement the Japanese crammed some 15,000 men, including the British POWs from the Changi camp, into the Selerang Barracks which was originally intended for a maximum of 1200 men on 2 September 1942. Halfway between the capital (Tokyo) and Yokohama this artificial island in the bay had barracks surrounded by a bamboo fence. endobj On 12 February 1942, the merchant ship Vyner Brooke left Singapore just before the city fell to the Imperial Japanese Army. Note: there may be duplicated entries for some camp descriptions as camp names and sub names are often confusing: i.e. On December 8, the same day as the attack on Pearl Harbor (on the other side of the International Date Line), he flew from Nichols Field to engage in aerial combat against the Japanese in his Curtis P-40E fighter aeroplane. The registers give minimal information about each prisoner which may include registration card number and dispersal information. In all there are 14,324 prisoners of which 14,125 are males and 199 are females.[3]. Recently, some prisons in Thailand provide the option for family abroad to have video call with prisoners in prison. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. Water had to be carried for one mile as the water main had been broken during the bombing. The information they provided gave urgency to the question of further exchange agreements, but in spite of unceasing negotiation, this draft was destined to be the last to be repatriated from Japanese custody until the liberation of the Philippines in February 1945. 7 0 obj Only 550 of the 900+ who sailed from Taiwan were still alive; 150 more men died in Japan, Taiwan, and Korea in the coming months, leaving only 403 survivors of the original 1620 to be liberated from camps in Kyushu, Korea, Manchuria, and Taiwan in August and September 1945. 60 KM west of Bangkok and on the direct communication line of the Japanese Army. Took over 1000 Australian POWs from Changi POW camp Singapore (probably Selerang barracks as that was the Australian camp) sailing on 15th May 1942 for Belawan/Medan in northern Sumatra. Lance and the family must now wait for word from the UK and Thai authorities. The four others were recaptured by Imperial Japanese naval vessels, where one died shortly after reaching land. The cell floor resembled a mass grave, with arms and legs all over each other. Carandiru Penitentiary (closed and demolished) - In 1992, the prison was the site of the Carandiru massacre. The chain of command responsibility that led to Yamashita's execution is now referred to under war crimes as the Yamashita standard. endobj Sean Flanagan from Cumbria was sent to Pattaya Remand Prison Thai authorities took seven months to investigate death Initially claimed he fell off wall before admitting he was assaulted twice Man. 2) by an air raid, 31 POWs were killed in Toshiba Tsurumi Branch Camp (Tokyo No. Best known prisons (mostly from 19th century or older, mainly still in function except the Katajanokka Prison and Kakola): For a longer list of prisons in Germany see Liste der Justizvollzugsanstalten in Deutschland (in German), There are 45 Prisons in Ghana which are managed by the Ghana Prisons Service. She was deliberately scuttled by the Dutch to prevent her from falling into enemy hands but the Japanese refloated and salvaged her in 1942. "On some occasions there were 24 of us in a cell of 26 sq metres and on a couple of occasions the guy beside me died," he said. 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