Cecilia is the name of the patron saint of music and musicians. Pronounced as, Eliza is a spelling variation of Elisa which means pledged to God. Pronounced as, Dan is a diminutive variation of Daniel which means God is my judge. Neves meanssnows and pronounced asNAY-vesh. Pronounced as, Benigno means well-born and pronounced as, Benjamim is a variation of Benjaminho which means son of the right hand. Pronounced asun-TAW-nee-oo. Adrio is a Portuguese variation of Adrian which means from Adria. Pronounced ashehr-MEEN-ya. Pronounced asbehr-nar-jee-now. Pronounced as, Teodora is a feminine variation of Teodoro which means gift of God. Pronounced as, Adelmar means nobly famous and pronounced as, Ademar means famous for his kindness or wealth and fame and pronounced as, Ademir is a variation of Ademar which means famous for his kindness or wealth and fame. Pronounced asa-nah-beh-la. Lourenco is a variation of Lorenco which means from Laurentium. Leandra is a feminine variation of Leandro which means lion-man. Pronounced asVEER-jeen-ya. Martinho is a variation of Martim which means war-like. Domingos is a Portuguese variation of Dominic which means belonging to the lord. Pronounced as, Rodolfo is a Portuguese variation of Rudolph which means famous wolf. Pronounced asteh-o-doh-ro. Antinea is a beautiful and charming queen with a hideous secret: She has a cave wall with 120 niches carved into it, one for each of her lovers. Ambrosio is a Portuguese variation of Ambrose which means immortal one. Pronounced asseh-veh-REE-na. Ciraco means of the lord and pronounced as see-ree-a-kow. Both the Alter Real & the Lusitano are good examples of this with their stout composition and grandiose demeanor. Rosana is a Portuguese variation of Roxana which means bright; dawn; light. Pronounced as, Vanda is a Portuguese variation of Wanda which means wanderer or a wend. Mrio is a diminutive variation of Mariano which means dedicated to Mars. Dudu is a variation of Du which means wealthy guardian. Mafalda is a Portuguese variation of Matilda which means battle-mighty. Pronounced as, Tonio is a diminutive variation of Antonio which meanspriceless one. Haroldo is a Portuguese variation of Harold which meansarmy ruler. Edu is a diminutive variation of Eduardo which means wealthy guardian. Mauro is a diminutive variation of Maurcio which means swarthy; dark skinned; moor. Glucia is a feminine variation of Glucio which means bluish grey. Whether you liked a classical name such as Matador or Salsa, or something a bit more authentic and unique such as Siesta or Mi Casa, we are sure there are names suitable for every horse! Ulisses is a Portuguese variation of Ulysses which means to hate. Pronounced as, Custdia is a feminine variation of Custdio which means guardian spirit. Alexio is a diminutive variation of Alexandre which means defending men. Maximino is a diminutive variation of Maximilliano which means greatest. The legs are sturdy and muscled. Pronounced astaw-NEE-o. Tnia is a diminutive variation of Tatiana which means from the house of Tatius. Abraham is a biblical Brazilian-American choice for your newborn son. Tristo is a Portuguese variation of Tristan which means riot or sorrowful. Raimundo is a Portuguese variation of Raymond which means well-advised protector. Pronounced as, Roberto is a Portuguese variation of Robert which means bright fame. Pronounced as, Luiza is a spelling variation of Lusa which means renowned warrior. If requesting your horses name to be added, please let me which year as there are at least two possibles. Jeremias is a Portuguese variation of Jeremiah which meansappointed by God. Antinea means queen of Atlantis. Brs is a Portuguese variation of Blaise which means lisping. Brbara means foreign woman and pronounced as bar-bah-ra. Eugnia is a feminine variation of Eugnio which means noble. Regina means queen and pronounced as kreh-JEE-nah (European Portuguese) or heh-JEE-nah (Brazilian Portuguese). Pronounced as, Gaspar is a Portuguese variation of Jasper which means treasurer. Pronounced as, Ivone is a Portuguese variation of Yvonne which means yew wood. Pronounced asdee-oo-NEE-zyoo(European Portuguese) orjee-oo-NEE-zyoo(Brazilian Portuguese). Graca is a Portuguese variation of Grace which is a virtue name. Pronounced as, Carlota is a variation of Carla which means free man. Isauria was the name of a region in Asia Minor. Pronounced as, Tom is a diminutive variation of Tomas which means twin. Origin: Portuguese. Pronounced as, Joozinho is a variation of Joo which means Yahweh is gracious. The cross between these two breeds produced a war horse superior even to the original Iberian horse, and it was this new type that the Conquistadors introduced to the Americas. Godofredo is a Portuguese variation of Geoffrey which means pledge of peace. Pronounced asloo-syo. Pronounced as, Carmo is a Portuguese variation of Carmel which means song or garden. Pronounced as, Narciso is a Portuguese variation of Narcissus which means daffodil or sleep. Fortunato was the name of several early saints and martyrs. Flvio means yellow, tawny and pronounced as fuhl-vyuw. Carla is a feminine variation of Carlos which means free man. Marcelinho is a spelling variation of Marcelino which means war-like. Eneida means life or praise and pronounced as eh-nehy-da. Antnia is a feminine variation ofAntnio which means priceless one. Roslia is a variation of Rosa which means rose, a flower. Pronounced asma-NO-weh-lah. Elixane is a variation of Elisabete which means pledged to God. The LHAA maintains two studbooks (for the purebred Lusitano and the purebred Iberian) and a crossbred registry for horses with one Lusitano parent. Antnia is a feminine variation of Antnio which means priceless one. Pronounced as, Domingos is a Portuguese variation of Dominic which means belonging to the lord. Below is our unique collection of the most charming names, both popular from previous times, and in recent years, with meanings. Pronounced as, Amlia is a variation of Amlia which means work. (Similar to Dado.) Pronounced as, Julie is a variation of Jlia which means youthful. [11] The Lusitano is also known as the Portuguese, Peninsular, National or Betico-lusitano horse. Pronounced as, Nathlia is a spelling variation ofNatlia which means born on Christmas. Pronounced as, Moema means lies or sweet and pronounced as, Narcisa is a feminine variation of Narciso which means daffodil or sleep. Pronounced as, Magda is a diminutive variation of Madalena which means from Magdala. Teobaldo is a Portuguese variation ofTheobald which meanscourageous people. Spanish and Portuguese form of AGATHA. Andra is a feminine variation of Andr which means strong and manly. Teresinha is a variation of Teresa which means to harvest. Ivowas the name of severalsaints. Pronounced as, Czar is a Brazilian Portuguese variation of Csar which means long-haired. Pronounced asee-DEETH. Pronounced asbee-a. Boaventura means good fortune and pronounced as bo-a-vehn-too-ra. Pronounced asroo-DREE-goo(European Portuguese), hod-ree-go (Brazilian Portuguese) or ro-DREE-goo (Brazilian Portuguese). Iago is a Portuguese variation of Jacob which means holder of the heel or supplanter. Pronounced as, Filomena means lover of singing and pronounced as, Flvia is a feminine variation of Flvio which means yellow hair. Pronounced asFAHW-sto. Pronounced as, Ronaldo is a variation of Rinhaldo which means well-advised ruler. Pronounced as, Silvia is a feminine variation of Silvio which means wood; forest. Pronounced aso-noh-frehoro-noh-free. Eustquio is a Portuguese variation of Eustace which means fruitful. Elder means clear or older and pronounced as el-dehr. Albina is a feminine variation of Albino which means white; fair one. Amrico is a Portuguese variation of America which means work; rich; powerful; ruler and is a place-name. [17] Today, Lusitanos are bred mainly in Portugal and Brazil, but maintain a presence in many other countries throughout the world, including Australia, the United States, Great Britain, South Africa, and other European countries. Pronounced as, Marinho is a variation of Mrio which means dedicated to Mars. Pronounced asteh-o. Pronounced as, Alonso is a variation of Affonso which means noble and ready. Toni is a variation of Tonio which means priceless one. Ernesto is a variation of Arnesto which means earnest. Venceslau means glory of the Wends or greater glory and pronounced approximately as vehn-sehn-zlaw. Pronounced as, Francisca is a feminine variation ofFrancisco which meansFrenchman; free man. I've been working with the National Wildlife Federation for the past five years. They have also made a showing in driving competitions, with a Belgian team of Lusitanos winning multiple international titles. Glucio means bluish grey and pronounced as GLAHW-syo. Breeders must honor this naming convention when naming their Lusitanos. Benigna is a feminine variation ofBenigno which meanswell-born. Alonso is a variation of Affonso which means noble and ready. Pronounced asaa-brahw. Pronounced as, Valter is a Portuguese variation of Walter which means, Venceslau means glory of the Wends or greater glory and pronounced approximately as, Verssimo means very true and pronounced as, Vicente is a Portuguese variation of Vincent which means conquering. The List of Years and Letters for Lusitano Names, o rode a horse called Oxalis da Meia Lua, Some Lusitano Studs also add the Studs name or initials into their horses names. Pronounced asloo-EE-zahorloo-EE-zu. Bruno means brown and pronounced as BROO-noo. Pronounced as ah-li-SHUN-drah(European Portuguese) ora-leh-SHUN-dru(Brazilian Portuguese). Pronounced asteh-REH-za. Gisela is a Portuguese variation of Giselle which means pledge; hostage. Rolando is a Portuguese variation of Roland which means famous throughout the land. Herberto is a Portuguese variation of Herbert which means bright army. Pronounced as, Alfredo is a Portuguese variation of Alfred which means wise counselor. Pronounced as, Fbia is a diminutive variation of Fabiana which means bean grower. Nicolau is a Portuguese variation of Nicholas which meanspeople of victory. Pronounced as, Jorginho is a variation of Jorge which means farmer. Pronounced as, Mauro is a diminutive variation of Maurcio which means swarthy; dark skinned; moor. Pronounced approximately as roo-ZA-lyah. Pronounced asehd-wahr-dho. Pronounced asTAHN-ya. Pronounced as, Natanael is a Portuguese variation of Nathanael which means gift from God. Remarkably adaptable, Sorraia animals were often taken by explorers to the New World. Perptua means perpetual and pronounced as PEHR-peht-wah. Modesto means moderate and pronounced as mo-DHEH-sto. Pronounced as, Antnia is a feminine variation of Antnio which means priceless one. Pronounced asloo-SEEN-dah. Pronounced as, Manuela is a variation of Manoela which means God is with us. Olga means holy; blessed and pronounced as AWL-gah. Pronounced as, Anastcia is a Portuguese variation of Anastasia which means resurrection. Pronounced asa-lehks. Leonor is a Portuguese variation of Eleanor which means bright one; shining one. Originally from the medieval Kingdom of Galicia, it evolved from various dialects of Vulgar Latin and was taken to America via Portuguese colonization. Jair, in the Old Testament, was the name of both a son of Manasseh and one of the ruling judges of the Israelites. (Similar to Eusbio.). Pronounced as, Rosa means rose, a flower and pronounced as, Roslia is a variation of Rosa which means rose, a flower. Pronounced asdoh-meen-gows. Pronounced as JEHR-troo-dehs. Pronounced asnee-koo-LOW. Artur is a Portuguese variation of Arthur which means bear. Unique girl horse names are some of our all-time favorites. (Similar to Roslia and Rosalina.) Pronounced as, Rubem is a Brazilian Portuguese variation of Reuben which means behold, a son. Ash - perfect name for a jet-black animal. Cesria is a feminine variation of Cesrio which means long-haired. Valentim is a Portuguese variation of Valentine which means strength; health. Pronounced as, Lino is a Portuguese variation of Linus which means flax. Pronounced as, Felipe is a Brazilian Portuguese variation of Philip which means lover of horses. Xavier meansthe new house or bright and pronounced as shu-VYER(European Portuguese) orsha-vee-ER(Brazilian Portuguese). Pronounced asdeh-meh-tree-yow. Pronounced as, Gustavo is a Portuguese variation of Gustav which means staff of the Goths. Pronounced asneh-too-no. Domino - master in Latin. Francisca is a feminine variation ofFrancisco which meansFrenchman; free man. Pronounced approximately as eh-hee-keh. Ines is a Portuguese variation of Agnes which means pure, virginal. Vascowas the name of a 15th-century Portuguese explorer, Vasco da Gama. Pronounced as, Genoveva is a Portuguese variation of Jennifer which means white shadow; white wave. Pronounced as ahm-BRAW-zyoo. It's common for people to have two given names in Portuguese culture, and Abrahan is an excellent choice to lead your son's title. Pronounced as, Januario is a Portuguese variation of January which refers to the first month of the year. Pronounced asah-meh-ree-ko. Gabriel means God is my strength and pronounced as gab-ree-ehl (Portuguese) or GAY-bree-ahl (English). Marta is a Portuguese variation of Martha which meanslady. This Portuguese name for boys suits a devout family that wishes to honor previous patriarchs. Firmino is a Portuguese variation of Firmin which means firm. Pronounced approximately as, Rben is a Portuguese variation of Reuben which means behold, a son. Matias is a Portuguese variation of Matthias which means gift of God. Dina is a diminutive variation of names ending in-dina,such as Aldina or Ondina. Llian means lily, a flower and pronounced as lee-lee-ahn or LEEL-yahn. Pronounced as, Laocadia means splendid brightness and pronounced as, Lara is a variation of Larissa which means citadel. Pronounced asto-mahs. Andre is a Portuguese variation of Andrew which means strong and manly. Pronounced as, Serafina is a Portuguese variation of Seraphina which means ardent; fiery. Cleto is a diminutive variation of Anacleto which meanscalled forth. Amancio Amancio means "loving" or "he who loved God". Betnia is a Portuguese variation of Bethany which means house of figs. Rafaela is a Portuguese variation of Raphael which means God has healed. Juvenal means young and pronounced as zhoo-veh-nahl. It's Happiness Happens Day, Its frustrating, but there comes a time that yo, Comprehensive List Of Traditional And Modern Romanian Names To Choose From, Most Comprehensive List of Irish Names to Choose From, Memorable But Unusual Boy Names To Consider, A Comprehensive List Of Greek Names Fit For Your God or Goddess, Beautiful Yet Overlooked Celtic Names Youll Want To Consider, A Comprehensive List of Beautiful Italian Names To Choose From, 55 Easy & Delicious Baby Shower Food Ideas, Baby Shower Prizes Your Guests Will Actually Love, 230 Remarkable Yet Uncommon Girl Names To Choose From, The Cutest Baby Photos Youve Ever Seen, Seriously, 72 Mostly FREE and Hilarious Baby Shower Games to Play.
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