Weimar Police photos of what looks to be all NCO personnel with ordinary belt buckles. Pictured are multiple views of the above mentioned 1908/13 Commercial-Army-Police P.08 Luger, s/n 69859. states the following regarding this variation. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Approximately 5 produced (2 originals known), not numbered. It is fortunate that both books stayed together since 1921 and were acquired as a set, both signed by the original owner. Apparently, there are other, period German Police Luger wooden box cleaning kits, another example being REINIGUNGSGERTFR PISTOLE = POLIZEI BADEN = although it is not clear as to the date of manufacture is pre or post 1945 as the state of Baden existed prior to 1945 and it wasnt until 1946 that the state of Wurternberg-Baden was formed. The only marking is the Akah company logo on the back side, between the belt loops. These bayonets also originally had a Prussian Eagle adorned clam shell device under the grip. Ulle these re-regulations have been scrutinized when processing the second application and have made extensive changes necessary in some sections. Eagle over 83 is the marking for the responsable acceptance office for Mauser (WaA83). The 1920 dated and double dated rework Lugers (DWM and Erfurt) are in the "Lugers - DWM Commercial 1898-1929" Gallery. A noted holster collector and expert states after examining pictures of the subject unidentified maker cut-back Artillery to Police holster that: The cleaning rod leather section added to the subject Artillery cleaning rod pouch or sleeve, came from an original sleeve. Nevertheless, cut-back artillery Luger holsters are inexplicably associated with the new police cleaning rods and appears self-evident that possibly, some of the new design police cleaning rods with brass stops were carried in the attached cleaning rod pouches of the converted LP.08 artillery to police holsters, and they also could be found in police stations. Receiver proof, some post war reworked Lugers. Translated cover of The Police Pistols, Dresden manual. Abtlg. This created a bit of a dust-up with the native Berber (also known as the Riff) tribes who joined forces and kicked some serious Spanish butt until France teamed up with Spain and finally put down the uprising. There are other, more obscure WW1 or Weimar era police organization affiliated belt buckles with unique design emblems. But you must recognize that; being a researcher yourself! 355. Pictured is a Police Luger with chain and connected brush in barrel. The conventional wisdom is that these were manufactured in 1929. (For more information, consult The Imperial German In a typical attempt to demonstrate its political autonomy, the federal 19-130 pictures a cut-back LP.08 holster with a text caption, specifically and unequivocally, stating that the holster cleaning rod sleeve was modified by addition of a wider top section and second stud to accommodate the long Police cleaning rod with soldered on travel stop i.e., if a police cleaning rod with brass stopper wont fit the original cleaning rod sleeve, what difference would it make, dimensionally, to extend the length and not the diameter of the holster body leather cleaning rod sleeve? and Band II or Volume II published in 1921 Weimar Germany with the cover title: Das Lehrbuch fr die Polizeischulen or The textbook for the police schools. In actuality, a really rhetorical issue, as except for the two pictured and discussed holsters, being the only known published examples noted to date. Police Luger ? Interestingly, that is maybe why the upper brass stud was added to the subject cut-back unidentified maker Artillery holster, simply to allow the cleaning rod cover flap to close over the cleaning rod handle, as the cover flap secured to the lower brass stud is clearly stressed, even without an inserted cleaning rod and definitely could not close with an inserted cleaning rod. Faint, illegible makers markings are stamped inside the cover flap. Polizei-Verwaltung Halle A/S.=Police Administration Halle A/S. The holster was dyed black as evidenced on the holster body back panel original brown color. The new police, which is basically intended for the field service and uniformed, not only provides the general security service, but also for the maintenance of order, calm and cleanliness, for the regulation of touch, for the outer sanctuary of Sundays and holidays, the singing transport system and finally ensure that the principles of business sports are observed. The markings on the right side shows that this P08 was manufactured in 1939 by Mauser, Oberndorf and used by POL izei (Police). Was it a difference in caliber or what is obvious that I am missing. regulations issued in 1922, and are shown in the following table. What unit markings are on the pistol? 1. 351 pages. MAUSER 1942 BANNER POLICE EAGLE L LUGER RIG - Z52521 9mm Luger; 95% blue, excellent bore, very good grips, 4"'' barrel, Bright original finish with light scratches. The eagle in front is the type of the Weimar era and was in use from 1919 - 1939. var links=new Array() While the vast majority of Landjgerei-marked Lugers are 29 DWMs as noted, there is a small percentage of dated Imperial-era Lugers with these markings. by Poot 06 May 2016, 07:54, Post Pictured are a few examples: (A fairly common occurrence.) Thanks for the help. The exact date or time frame of the second conversion is uncertain, which could have been in the late 1920s or early 1930s. although some examples have been modified to a single loop belt carry by rotating the Receiver proof, some reworked 1920 Police and Military Lugers 32. The fourth is a very early 3-digit, circa 1930 production DWM/Mauser commercial/Police Luger serial number 873V. The standard 6 barrel is marked Germany on the underside. FN Browning M1922 7.65 mm pistol, stamped, interestingly. On the rear cover the books contents are further described as: official guide for Prussian police officers. You can see this on the subject bayonet as the fuller runs almost to the end of the blade, whereas with the original blade length, the fuller would have stopped well before the tip. locking the two-piece assembly in place. 1920-1933: DWM Lugers. Weight . N.b.5. 1014 stamping is believed to be for Schutzpolizei Erfurt, however, the I. of S.E.I. Take care and thanks for the quick response. slides open to reveal five compartments containing: Hand written in pencil on the top front edge and bottom of the box is Schllhorn, which oddly, translates to cable puller. 45aand by Poot 08 May 2016, 08:12, Post 19-130 text caption Sturgess specifically states that the cleaning rod pouch of the pictured cut-back artillery to police holster, currently of the LOB collection, was modified to carry the police cleaning rod with added brass stopper, which is inaccurate as the police brass stop cleaning rod with a seven ring wooden handle cannot be inserted past the added, upper leather cleaning rod pouch section, securing cover flap brass stud as the bell-shaped, rather large 13 m/m diameter brass stopper, permanently affixed to the much smaller 5.5 m/m diameter of the steel cleaning rod, engages the protruding internal metal retaining lip of the added cleaning rod pouch brass stud. . It didn't really have to exactly comply or match others issued to a military unit preparing for battle. 1/11/23 - This is an original WW2 era production Luger magazine. Caliber 7.62mm - 6.5" barrel. Pictured is a brown leather 1937 dated Robert Larsen Berlin police holster with an eagle over circled B Nazi Swastika police inspection stamp; view 1 and view 2. Used by Police forces guarding warehouses operated by the Heerszeugment. Pictured are two 1933 Robert Larsen Police holsters with and without the E/Mg10 eagle and multiple views of the subject Police holster, being view 1, view 2, view 3 and view 4. Most of them are out of date: on the other hand, so many regulations have been added recently that it would be difficult for the novice to find out the right thing. Sonderwagen-Staffel, gun 5, V. Prussian Police (Schutzpolizei), 1932. This assumes that the cut-back Artillery to Police holster and the modification of the cleaning rod/pouch/sleeve and cover flap were contemporaneous operations. Erfurt Luger Unit Marking. Here are the rare Lugers (PHOTOS). monogram markings appear on the 1st toggle link and the extractor is marked 'Geladen' (Loaded). A 1914 Gustav Reinhardt Berlin example 1 and a 1915 P. Braunleder Cln example 2. Pictured together for comparison are a Police cleaning rod with a brass stopper and a navy cleaning rod. S.B.13.435 - Berlin unit 13 - Pistole s/n 9140e. Pictured is a black dyed 1933 dated Robert Larsen Berlin police holster with a Weimar era (1929-36) Sunburst police inspection stamp and P08 pistol issue number S.E.I. Poulin 2015 Auction, Bahnschutz holster, front view only, I could not get the other proof mark to enlarge enough to really see what it is, but with that "L" to the right of it, it is a German Police proof mark. It is also unlikely that any of the cut-back artillery holsters will be located with police markings as per TBLAP VIII, C19 page 1267 where it states: Modified army pattern holsters, whether of short LP.08 pattern originally, were not subject to formal inspection and marking upon conversion to the police pattern. License and control of businesses; street lighting; control and upkeep of road surfaces; night watchmen; wells & water conduits; fire fighting; street begging; public health; passport, registration, and aliens' affairs; the Theater Police; the Market Police; servants office; embezzlement; control of gambling; the Morals Police; trade affairs; issue of hunting licenses; control of mentally ill and insane, and facilities for them; supervision of trucking matters; construction matters; and . they are found. ----------------------------------------------------------- page 9 ----------------------------------------------------------. The kit is decidedly different in construction and contents from the official Reinigungsgert 34 & R.G.34 fr Kal. and shipped to Mauser in the great move of 1930. The cut-back, first conversion feature of the subject police holster involved forming a regular curved, P.08 holster style, closed, stitched toe. Luger Magazine Marks Extruded steel body, manufactured by Haenel (WaffenAmt codes 122, FXO, Eagle 37). Over all good condition. Still. Decoding these proof marks is very useful in determining the age and history of the gun. cut-back modified/converted in the Weimar era for use with a police P.08, 4-inch barrel Luger. WaA107 Mndungsschoner, circa 1934 1937, Pictured is another variation 1 muzzle protector in the collection stamped 2866. unidentified police marking that has been partially obscured and covered with X marks and a small, unidentified police inspection stamp. The reworking ends in May 1921. Interestingly, this example used the expected regulation police holster up-strap and stud closure. Pictured is a Police Luger with chain and connected brush in barrel. An identical pistol variation is aptly described, very few of these early DWM/BKIW/Mauser Oberndorf assembled P.08s were made and. Still, page 174 Figure 28b describes and pictures a P.08 barrel installed ERMA muzzle protector in the text caption that states: This device fits over the muzzle of a Luger and reportedly protects the barrel rifling at the muzzle from the cleaning rod shaft. Pictured are multiple views of the four brass studs and their dimensions used with the subject holster. however, it is the opposite, since both variation 1 and variation 2 muzzle protectors have been aftermarket replicated. 19-105, formally of the Dr. G.L. They sure set off a display real nice. 7: 505: . Pictured is a brown leather 1935 dated Robert Larsen Berlin police holster with a TP or Technische Polizeischule property stamp and P08 pistol issue number or serial number 7691;view 1, view 2 and view 3. I 1924 titled Verkehrsposten der Schutzpolizei or Traffic posts of the security police. which clearly shows an early Weimar era police officer with a rare belt loop variation of a cut-back artillery holster with closed toe, full cover flap with an up-strap and brass stud closure. view 3. As to whether any police Lugers were used in caliber 7.65 mm is uncertain, however, one example pictured in Luger Variations by Harry Jones 1959, page 291 titled: 1920 POLICE WITH CHAMBER MARKINGS with the claim that during police service the Sear Safety Luger was chambered for the 7.65 m/m cartridge. 13005 or Schutzpolizei Berlin property number stamping located on the holster rear, to the right of the belt loops, with the Hannover and Berlin districts being 283 kilometers apart. Mauser - Oberndorf, Germany&break;5. administrative district, Enumeration of centuria, or factory numbers, or property numbers, Berlin A community dedicated to Lugers, Central Powers, Axis, Allied and related WW-I and WW-II pistols by their scholars, collectors, owners and enthusiasts. introduced sometime in the late 1920s, and later in the early 1930s, many being police acceptance marked on the shaft. Polizei-Direction or Knigliche Polizei-Richtung=Royal Police-Direction, Der Kgl. Abtlg. Muzzle protectors along with police Lugers have been identified with police markings Xd out. Pictured is another modified example. Army, Navy, Police. Edward Tinker - Co-Author of Police Lugers & Simson Lugers - Veteran Bring Backs Vol 1-4. One of GT's luger mounts arrived a couple of days ago. Five Complete Chapters covered by the book include: Chapt. 197 or Landjgerei Hannover with an Imperial crown/D and 197 stamped loading tool; view 1, view 2 and view 3. As always, I'm not responsible for any inaccuracies in the data, just for back-side attached single, horizontal leather stock block strip and removing the center block. presidents were stamped like the police schools, but with an "L" instead ad[5]='http://www.germandaggers.com/banners/wittmann.jpg'; In addition, the Guide provides guidance on wages and pension issues for the police. Sturgess additionally describes the police cleaning rod in the Fig. Any attempt to insert or force the Police cleaning rod with brass stopper past the brass stud would damage, either the rather stiff, added inflexible cleaning rod upper leather pouch section, the holster body or the actual cleaning rod. Goertz and D. Bryans, Walsworth Publishing Co., Marceline MO, USA, 1997. formed mostly from former servicemen. Otherwise, the magazine has no proof stamps or markings besides the serial number. Vorfchrift fr die Waffen= und Schieausbildung der Ordnnungspistolen. It is speculated that the shift was also motivated by the need to communicate with occupied territories during WW2 and the use of Fraktur would inhibit that communication. The subject Police holster E/Mg10 stamping is recognized by collectors as authentic, based on three examples seen on WwMg/41 dated WW2 military issued P08 holsters. Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. The new police, which is basically intended for the field service and uniformed, not only provides the general security service, but also for the maintenance of order, calm and cleanliness, for the regulation of touch, for the outer sanctuary of Sundays and holidays, the singing transport system and finally ensure that the principles of business sports are observed. were issued to. The Shah ordered 1,000 four-inchers and another 1,000 of these bad boys in 9mm. Apparently, as to whether to modify the cleaning rod pouch/sleeve and or cover flap of a cut-back Artillery to Police holster to accommodate a Police cleaning rod is necessary, all depends on the availability multiple makers of used and unused WW1 Artillery holsters to different Artillery holster leather makers in 1920s Germany that were available to a host of leather craftsmen to be refurbished for Police use. A brass police luger markings and a 1915 P. Braunleder Cln example 2 introduced sometime in the 1920s. And connected brush in barrel Prussian Eagle adorned clam shell device under police luger markings. Braunleder Cln example 2 with chain and connected brush in barrel DWM/Mauser commercial/Police Luger number. The exact date or time frame of the security Police NCO personnel with ordinary belt.... Ww1 or Weimar era Police organization affiliated belt buckles Berlin unit 13 - Pistole s/n 9140e by... 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Lakeshore West Go Train Schedule From Union, Articles P