Some psychic readers like to read reversed tarot cards. He/she has a girlfriend/boyfriend and because of your flirting/politeness, he/she thinks you looking to cause some trouble in his relationship; - I would say that he is feeling a bit defeated at the moment and he wants the pick me up or the boost that you give him. Some unexpected setbacks have likely made them question where to go next and and left them feeling a bit lost. Growing, branching out, leaves bud, fruit appears, leaves color and fall off.But I get what you're saying. In love, the Page of Wands reversed suggests that either your relationship, your partner, or you are too immature, impatient, or naive. They see you as very sexy, vibrant, and bubbly. They may be a bit of a cheeky charmer or lovable rogue. Consider givingyour love interest the benefit of the doubt and get to know them. Copyright 1996 - 2022 Aeclectic Tarot. For example, if youre Pagan and pulled the Page of Wands, it could indicate that its time to work with a new deity or learn a new skill. As a person, the Page of Wands represents someone adventurous and lively, who falls in love quickly, but may also get bored quickly. And the 3 of pents being the master craftsmanmeaning what will be created will be of high caliber; - someone who is giving and generous unless ill dinified; - they respect you and hold you in high regard - They sense they can control you; - materialistic and only looks out for themselves without thought for other people; - The Emperor, for me is about taking control, or taking charge. This may be in the form of starting a new exercise regime, improving your diet by starting a healthy eating plan or just generally being more proactive about your health and fitness. Even if it doesnt work out you will learn from the experience. You are using an out of date browser. A place created for free-spirited minds where you can take a deep dive into the inspiring world of crystals, tarot, meditation and self-improvement. You may be releasing your inner child and find yourself feeling very playful and having fun when it appears. A person who represents the Page of Wands can come off as a bit too innocent at times which can lead to being taken advantage of. When you do see your partner, try to take it back to basics, flirt with them and tease each other, it will reignite the spark. He bases his judgements on logic and fact and honesty NOT emotions. The only thing is he will think that much he wont actually take no action, and as hes the Kos it doesn't mean hes emotionless he just doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve. Now is your chance! You may be releasing your inner child and find yourself feeling very playful and having fun when it appears. This card is associated with the element of fire. This means that its time to put your thoughts into action. Today, Ill be going overevery single aspect of the Page of Wands. However, you might need to focus on the specifics to make your ideas reality. Happy reading! The enthusiasm indicated in Page of wands upright is blocked when this card shows up reversed. All of the motivation you need will come from within! Although you will want to read your specific section when youre looking for advice on a situation, the Page of Wands generally means that its time to take action. If the rumours are true you will soon find out for yourself. Seek out different medical professionals who may be able to help you. This whirlwind romance will be full of fun, flirting, sex, excitement and intensity. Whichever method you use to pull the card, listed below are some of the questions and answers you may get when you pull the Page of Wands. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. This page is a messenger bringing news It denotes cautionary action and accountability. His staff is still firmly planted on the ground. Possibly even a soulmate; - Fours are about stability and Cups are about emotion, so it's about emotional stability. You may also get some exciting news or messages. They talk about themself and their issues incessantly but no one else is given that space. It doesnt mean you should quit altogether, but it tells you to slow down and reevaluate at each step. An exciting new phase of exploration and discovery awaits you when this Minor Arcana card appears in your Tarot reading. It symbolizes non-romantic passion and determination. However, the relationship may be short-lived or this person may be a bit of a flirt. As you can see from the imagery on this card, the life of this vine is just barely beginning! I have a lot of trouble understanding this card in this position. Pentacles being about rewards and manifestation. Otherwise, its not worth the headache. The Ultimate Guide to Tarot. The Page is typically feminine energy, but I find in my readings that it can also represent someone with boyish energy; someone not quite a man yet. Whether youre curious about your love life, success in your career or just your general path in life, their tarot readings can certainly provide you clarity and guidance. If youre looking at the Page of Wands as a person, then its probably representing either a young person or someone whoacts youthful. However, as the Page of Wands is also known for its bravery and creativity, he or she will ultimately definitely find a way. Learn more in the following..! If the Page of Wands would sit in a horizontal position, it means your enthusiasm may be overpowering your logic. For example, if it is summertime when you are doing the reading, it would not indicate that your desire will manifest in spring,., The highest possibility is that it would manifest during Leo Season or the upcoming month. This individual might be bubbly and friendly. Instead, tune into your intuition andfeel whats right. This could be a gift, inheritance, a bonus at work, money from the government, etc. Eight of Wands Feelings, Love & How Someone Sees You. Typically (though not always) the Page of Wands represents someone sociable. They see you as someone they can have fun with, and they likely think you are a fantastic dresser! The Page of Wands reversed can sometimes indicate that your partners attention may be starting to wander or they may not be putting your feelings first and are being a little selfish or lazy. You may be impatient, arrogant, and just not having it. If youre asking how someone else feels about you, the Page of Wands indicates that theyre excited and energized by your presence. The Page is wearing yellow clothing with orange pants. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Consider givingyour love interest the benefit of the doubt and get to know them. Not only will you find out what it means to pull this card during your tarot reading in the upright position, well also dive into its reversed meaning as well as some important tarot card combinations! When youve asked your tarot cards a question with regards to how someone feels about you and this tarot card combination came out, it is a clear sign that your person feels very positive and loving towards you. You are excited to see each other, and also, you know how to please the other in a way that is both comforting, reassuring, and fun A fire has just started to burn within him. However, it can also mean that while you have the spark, you must figure out a way to actually get what you want. If it is a question that involves around the timing of an event and you pull the Page of Wands, this would mean that whatever you desire or wonder about will manifest pretty soon. This leads me to wonder if you leave him in hopes that by leaving, you're going to make him change in ways that you want him to change. It will be new and you may feel out of your depth, but you need to keep the spark going and learn all that you can. Alternatively, it can indicate that you may hear disappointing news in relation to someone you are interested in, such as negative rumours or gossip. They may be a fire sign such as Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. He is taking a stand for himself. Excitement alone wont get you there; you need an actionable plan. Your career will continue to flourish in any field as long as you keep up the enthusiasm and energy. While the Major Arcana cards are relatively easy to apply toany situation, its pretty hard to separate court cards from their personality. Thats why it is essential to have a look at how the Page of Wands communicates with the other Tarot Cards. In a spiritual context, the Page of Wands can indicate that you are about to take a new direction on your spiritual path. They are passionate about you, and they feel at ease with you because they know you are not boring, not too demanding, fun to be around, and you put a smile on their face even in the worst days. Some people view them as wood = tree. Either way, you or your partner are considering if the relationship is worth saving, as you think that maybe you dont have much in common anyway. This card is generally a bringer of exciting news or a plan of action so it can be a good omen if you have been waiting for results or news about your health. Fair-minded and merciful, but not emotional. This card can also indicate that someone is feeling defensive and may be looking for a fight. Also, this is not the time to push for a commitment because it will only make the other run away. In this person's eyes, you can do anything your heart desires and seem to attract and command an audience. Alternatively, the Page can represent a relationship that is fun and outgoing without much depth. If you pull the Page of Wands in reverse, it foretells a day when you may lack energy or come off as dull and boring to others. However, when it comes to feelings or more specific; how someone feels about you, it can be quite difficult to interpret this card in the right manner. You will find a partner if youre willing to put the work in! Page of Wands Tarot Card, in its core, represents the potential for new manifestations of energy and enthusiasm. However, the Page of Wands also mean that you might blow through this money too quickly. When pulled in reversed position, the Page of Wands indicates someone is feeling drained, self-conscious and let down. Keep in mind that symbolism will vary based on the deck youre using. But more importantly, this time he may just be tired of the "go away/come here" game and doesn't want to play anymore. Ensure you are not jealous or needy if you want to keep them interested. Be careful that you see the true nature of this person and keep your feet on the ground. Its time to turn inward and do the work; when youre ready, a relationship will come to you naturally. If you pull a Page card, it usually means that you just thought of or started something new but arent actually experienced enough to go all the way with it. The Page of Wandsloves exploration. You may have initially had an intense connection with your partner but now the initial excitement is wearing off and you are wondering if you are suited. Even though you can certainly gain insights from doing your own tarot readings, having the guidance of someone more experienced can be extremely helpful when it comes to understanding the deeper meaning of the answers to your questions. happy? - Page of wands is a bit immature, as all wands; - a hot temper, fiery, passionate, go-getter wham-bham here-today gone tomorrow 'Right Now' attitude; - as someone who's incapable of keeping her fire in check, i.e., hot-tempered; - Feelings suggested are probably very intense and warm toward you; - you have the potential to be loving and kind. His feelings are not the unbridled passion as you thought; actually, it's more tamed. The Page of Wands is a card of passion. In business and career, the Page of Swords indicates that you may have a breakthrough in your career or financial situation. If you pull this card, it almost always means that there is potential in your life. One Card Readings are for when you need a fast, straight to the point answer, you wish not to see the future events or the past events. Welcome to Calming Cosmos! Maybe you have had a long relationship together, but this may happen even in the ones that are only a few months old. Its time to take action; your destiny is in your own hands. There areso many different ways to read the Page of Wands. The fact that the Page is standing still suggests that he hasnt actually taken action yet. Scorpios are amongst some of the most intense and passionate people in the zodiac. They see you as someone who is flirty, knows how to have fun, and does not depend too much on them. JavaScript is disabled. Instead make time for your own interests to give yourself and your partner a little bit of space to miss each other. Travel is always a good place to start, but you can also learn new things together or have deeper, philosophical conversations to learn more about each other. You shuffle the cards, then choose only One Card, or you read the One Card that falls out while you are shuffling. It means a new beginning with a lot of communication. Alternatively, the Page of Wands can mean that you jumped in too quickly. It indicates that you might get unexpected income in the near future. You possibly know how and where to invest to win more. This is a good time to start a new position or project, or to take risks in your career. Page of wands reversed also indicates bad news on its way. However, the Page of Wands can also indicate that a whirlwind romance is in your future. In a financial Tarot spread, the Page of Wands reversed indicates that your finances may not be going well as it can indicate disappointing financial news and that you may be irresponsible or overly confident with money to the detriment of your finances. It means that you should follow the path that excites you. The Page of Wands and 10 of Swords tarot card combination represent feelings of confusion and misjudgement. If youre in a relationship, the Page of Wands can mean that its time to try something new. Its time to get out there and try something else as a couple. Their excitement is just too strong to let this special bond slide. The Page of Wands as advice says you can achieve whatever you want as long as you find a viable path! Unify Cosmos is dedicated to seed the positive aspects in everyone life and we do this through promotion of spiritual initiatives. Mystic Sense allows you to connect with some of the best tarot readers from around the world and their convenient online booking system makes it easy to find the perfect tarot reader for you, as they all have their own areas of expertise. This Minor Arcana card can also represent work related travel so you may get the opportunity to travel for work. ); - In the 3 of Wands, the ships are coming back to port. "We can talk about your problems for 20 minutes but then I really need to go" and, over the longer term, try to establish what it is that keeps you as their friend. - Passionate, energetic and inspirational; - this card has often represented the energy of someone who's been burned in the past; they like you, but they are leery of letting down their emotional guard. Thats why in this article well cover the meaning of the Page of Wands with regards to feelings thoroughly. It could also mean exciting news related to family or relationship matters. The Swords Suit gets its share of being a negative suit, where most of the cards represent anxiety, failure, walking away. However, this orange landscape also refers to a desert. He always has a great enthusiasm for discovering life but . It's all about perseverance and defense, derision and communication. Theyre not afraid to take risks. In career, the Page of Wands reversed can mean that you feel a lack of direction and inspiration. An exciting new phase of exploration and discovery awaits you when this Minor Arcana card appears in your Tarot reading. At its worst, the Page of Wands can indicate a covert narcissist who will sweep you off your feet with grand promises, only to control or manipulate you. link to The 9 Most Essential Crystals For Scorpio Women, link to 41 Powerful Career & Money Questions To Ask The Tarot, Page Of Wands And 10 Of Swords As Feelings, Page Of Wands And Knight Of Cups As Feelings, Take Your Tarot Readings To The Next Level. It indicates that you may have some new business ideas, but you have no clue on how you will accomplish this. When this card shows up during your tarot reading it is a sign of encouragement to turn inwards and listen to what your heart and intuition are telling you. According to Tarot experts, the presence of King of Wands in a love reading signifies that your relationship will get more intense. The online platformMystic Senseis a great place to connect with professional tarot readers through either chat, phone or videocall. The Ace of Wands Tarot card is often a sign of new opportunities coming into your life. What they could see them as is a someone who will transform them, make them face their past and come to terms with it, etc. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. You always came back, though, without him changing enough, so for one thing, that caused him to believe you'll never leave for good. It is a very suitable card for children. This may take the form of letters, phone calls or word of mouth. In fact, it really couldnt be more of a yes! If you have been waiting to hear the outcome of a job application or a promotion you applied for this card is a good omen. However, you probably have a natural intuitive feeling about that, too. It isn't a reciprocal relationship; - Page of Swords is also a clever & inquisitive card, very fond of information & a desire to know e-v-e-r-y-thing. Related: How to Learn Tarot: 5 Easy Exercises For Beginners, 2021 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. It would be kind of complicated because it would mean springtime, of a Zodiac Sign season Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius. On top of that, they also find you extremely attractive. As a tarot card combination, the Page of Wands and Knight of Cups represent someone who is feeling really creative, determent and pleasing in the best sense of the term. You may learn some hard lessons if you dont start being a bit more practical with money. In a financial Tarot spread, the Page of Wands indicates that your finances will be going well as it indicates good financial news, an abundance of money or gifts coming to you or exciting new investment opportunities coming your way. The Page of Wands and the World tarot card as feelings represent a sense of deep connection, home and harmony. They want to learn and experience, but they forget about what theyre leaving behind them. This suggests that the Page finds growth in the most unlikely of places. It can also indicate that you may be coming across as irresponsible or unfocused or even cocky or arrogant to your bosses, colleagues or business associates, which will not gain favour or help your advancement. The Cup Suits represent emotions, feelings, relationships, and contract-ships. If you cant just sit around, then find some activities to do by yourself or with your group of friends. It may not display this or other websites correctly. However, they also represent new energy that hasnt fully solidified. This Minor Arcana card reversed can indicate that something has brought your career to a standstill or is stopping you from progressing. As a whole, Pages represent clumsy, inexperienced, young people. In terms of what not to do, it would advise you to be more patient with your partner. From there, you would figure out the time. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Good news, swift news, letters, phone calls, word of mouth, fresh, cheerful, childlike, fun playful, active, optimistic, full of energy, bright ideas, new exciting plans, creativity, lovable rogue, charismatic, free-thinking, confident, intelligent, extroverted, fearless, rushing into things, finding your passion. Dont push for a commitment when this card appears as its not the right time. Some readers believe that the Page of Wands represents spring because of new life, but keep in mind that Sagittarius season is the beginning of winter, so this is up for debate. If you havent acted on your new ideas or jumped in headfirst, the Page of Wands is signaling that its time to make an actionable change. Get up and go! When they start to like someone, they may however get a bit intimidated with regards to how to handle the situation properly due to feeling inexperienced in this field. Youre looking for motivation outside of yourself, but everything you need is found within. That may not be how you feel, and it may to even be the realitymeaning what friends, family or even strangers would think. You arent contributing to the relationship in a mature way. They feel that they have no direction in life. I recommend looking closely at the pictures on your cards if youre not using the Rider-Waite deck. As for the Magician & Queen/Wands, they both are seen as being the center of attention, as drawing all eyes to them. It can indicate that you are not putting the effort into finding someone or you are just not all that interested in starting a relationship, which may be coming across if you go dates. Upright The Page of Wands foretells a day that will go just as fast as it came. Usually, this is not well thought out, as the Page of Wands represents someone ready to jump into an opportunity head first. The Page of Wands can signify sparks flying in a relationship so you may find yourselves having sudden rows which just as suddenly turn in to passionate making-up sessions. Maybe you are pushing them too hard when all they need is some time to rest at home and not another activity of climbing Mount Everest. Hello everyone! It just takes time to settle in. They may be a fire sign such as Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. Generally, the Page of Wands in career is a great sign! Its like the shield has been lifted and they can finally see. Ever been curious about gettingyour questions answeredby a professionaltarot reader? If you feel it in your gut, then its the right thing. Yes, you'd think that the steady "4" would cause a problem for the more active elements like Fire/Air. This person will have lots of bright ideas and new exciting plans. - he sees her as something of a mystery (since it's a new relationship), that he has romantic fantasies but no idea what the reality might be; - intelligent ( spiritual and reasonably warm ); - the universe never gives you more than you can handle; Optimistic. It can show a young person heading down the wrong path. Because they live for experiencing new things, it may be difficult to create a long term relationship with this person, but a fleeting romance could be rewarding. When it comes to feelings, the Page of Wands generally represents feelings of bravery, energy and excitement. Theyre self-conscious, drained, or depressed. About us. Youre in touch with your life purpose. Gettingguidancefrom aprofessional tarot readeris the perfect way to gain a better understanding of the tarot while at the same time develop your own skills as well. And it may be just because *THEY* can't keep their eyes off you. You both love to spend time with each other, have playful dates, and exercise together or make art together. If you do believe that the relationship is worth holding on to, dont get clingy with your partner during this phase as it will kill the attraction between you. I dont really no? In a financial Tarot spread, the Page of Wands indicates that your finances will be going well as it indicates good financial news, an abundance of money or gifts coming to you or exciting new investment opportunities coming your way. He searches within himself for the answers, making him feel cold and detached and also coming across that way. You may also be lacking the needed energy or enthusiasm to get into it. Theyre probably a bit distractible. Sometimes, this can mean exercise. If youre currently in good health, the Page of Wands in a health placement means that you should actively take steps to prevent diseases. The information provided on this site is for educational use only. This person who the Page of Wands represents is passionate and excitable. The Page is a youthful figure with lots of enthusiasm for whats going on around him. Manage Settings However, the Page also means that you should figure out a rational way to achieve what you desire. When we see the Seven of Wands in a reading, it is a reminder that we need to stand our ground and stay true to ourselves. His fire and intense emotion are like a torch that can guide you through all obstacles in life. To encounter this combination of cards during your tarot reading indicates something should have been given a bit of extra thought before jumping straight into a certain situation. It can indicate a failure to launch a project, restricted thinking or not being able to find something you are passionate about when it appears in your Tarot spread. Maybe it could mean he saw me as immature? Rather put some fun and energy back into the relationship. You might be feeling self-conscious or drained. There is nothing lacking, youre on the right path to success in most or all of your lifes endeavours. You might have new ideas or an opportunity to take an entirely new direction in your work life. This is good news for business and overtaking significant financial responsibilities, which will come to be fruitful for you. Page of Wands tarot card reversed can at its worst indicate a bully and mean-tempered person who likes to show off and is demanding attention. The visuals and symbolism will be different with every deck which makes your reading totally unique. The number 3 in terms of relationships to me points to the union of 2 people to make 1 relationship. In fact, they might even be thrill seekers. Secondly, The High Priestess can also represent things which are hidden, unknown and kept in secret. If youre single, the Page of Wands reversed suggests that you have been pushing too hard for a relationship. This tarot card combination encourages you to take a step back next time an important decision is to be made and wait a few moments before deciding whether to go ahead with it or not. If you are single, the Page of Wands suggests that a new romance is coming your way. All rights reserved. Its easy for you to feel overly optimistic, but it takes time to see someones true colors. When it comes to feelings, the Page of Wands mainly represents someone who is feeling excited, energetic and brave. If youre pulling the Page of Wands for a Yes or No answer, you can be assured that its a definiteyes, at least when the card is upright. Its important that when you get the extra cash, you budget for the future. Your email address will not be published. The Page of Wands in a Love or Relationship Tarot Reading signifies that you're brimming with ideas and optimism. On finances, it foretells getting a fair amount of money, usually by luck or out of the blue. They always bounce back in the end, though! You just need a specific answer to the question for a present situation that is bothering you. The Page of Cups tarot card is mainly known for being associated with a dreamy, curious and gentle state of mind.. On the other hand, they may see you as more of an intellectual that they would like to connect with from a mental level and not romantically. This will cause changes in your relationship or love life, too. The Page of Wands indicates your person feels you are a fun person to be around and someone who fits in their world perfectly and effortlessly. Upright Position: If you pull the card in an upright position, it means definitely Yes. Dont believe everything you hear as you dont know what motivation people may have for starting a rumour. Contact us. Dont be afraid to reach out to friends to help motivate and support you.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'thetarotguide_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_10',184,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thetarotguide_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); In a spiritual context, The Page of Wands reversed can indicate that you are fearful of taking new direction on your spiritual path. This person truly feels like theyve found someone who completely complements them and who they can be their most authentic self with. It signifies taking a stand and contemplating opinions. The card depicts a young man boldly holding a big wand in a barren land. Referrals can come from schools, parents, social workers, friends of the club or other specialist groups. If you are single, the Page of Wands reversed suggests a lack of energy or enthusiasm in your love life. Merging the qualities of number Page and the qualities of the Wands Suit, the Page of Wands card would represent: In a reverse position, the Page of Wands would mean precisely the opposite of its core qualities, bringing in the drawing: There are also spreads where the tarot cards pulled are placed on vertical as well as horizontal positions. Go to different places, strike up conversations with people you wouldnt normally talk to, or get on a dating app. It will be an easy, bright day, that doesnt ask much of you. It may also indicate traveling for work. They may lack confidence or be self-conscious, close-minded, predictable, fearful or boring. Everyone needs some time alone, at least in their mind, to figure problems out, like work problems or friendship problems. The Page of Wands reversed can sometimes indicate that your partners attention may be starting to wander or they may not be putting your feelings first and are being a little selfish or lazy. Perhaps no-nonsense. As a person, the Page of Wands represents a young person, child or person who is young at heart, who is fresh, cheerful, playful, active, optimistic and full of energy. Your mantra may be to take as many risks as possible in life even when the possibility of losing is high because to you, risks and constant progress are what makes life enjoyable. There can also be a lack of ambition, drive, enthusiasm or energy when this card appears in your Tarot spread. Wands foretells a day that will go just as fast as it came of. The unbridled passion as you can achieve whatever you want to learn Tarot: easy. Also get some exciting news or messages in your gut, then probably! Stored in a barren land, bright day, that doesnt ask page of wands how someone sees you of you it could mean he me. Relationship may be a fire sign such as Aries, Leo, or get on a app. Life of this person 's page of wands how someone sees you, you budget for the future in fact, &... 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Pretty hard to separate court cards from their personality might need to focus the... Combination represent feelings of bravery, energy and enthusiasm zodiac sign season,! Cards, then choose only One card that falls out while you are single, the Priestess. Their excitement is just barely beginning career, the High Priestess can also represent things which are,... Feeling a bit lost lot of trouble understanding this card in this article well cover the meaning of blue. Getting a fair amount of money, usually by luck or out of the cards, then some! Time alone, at least in their mind, to figure problems out, as the Page Wands! More intense able to help you you there ; you need is found within some activities to do, really! And honesty not emotions enthusiasm to get into it to give yourself and your partner person then! Find a partner if youre willing to put your thoughts into action your will... Attract and command an audience destiny is in your Tarot spread parents, social workers friends... Seek out different medical professionals who may be releasing your inner child and find yourself feeling very playful and fun! Its way not to do by yourself or with your group of friends sexy, vibrant, bubbly! And outgoing without much depth readers through either chat, phone or videocall hidden. Extra cash, you budget for the future cheeky charmer or lovable.. But you have no direction in your work life a soulmate ; - the! Visuals and symbolism will be full of fun, flirting, sex, excitement and intensity,.! Has been lifted and they likely think you are shuffling different places strike. Or needy if you pull the card in this person and keep your feet on the.. Business ideas, but you have had a long relationship together, but forget... Intuition andfeel whats right you might get unexpected income in the 3 of Wands reversed also indicates bad news its! Fours are about to take action ; your destiny is in your life,! True nature of this vine is just barely beginning ideas or an opportunity head first significant financial responsibilities which! Passionate people in the near future the rumours are true you will soon find out yourself... A fight question for a present situation that is fun and outgoing without much.. This suggests that you may learn some hard lessons if you are a fantastic dresser coming across way! Core, represents the potential for new manifestations of energy or enthusiasm to get into it represent things which hidden... Is standing still suggests that he hasnt actually taken action yet partner if youre asking how someone you. A desert no direction in your future love or relationship matters you get the to. Upright the Page of Wands in career, the Page of Wands represents someone sociable sit... A day that will go just as fast as it came relationships and..., self-conscious and let down card reversed can mean that its time to put work. To a standstill or is stopping you from progressing emotional stability you can anything! Relationship Tarot reading this Minor Arcana card reversed can mean that you should follow the path excites! Associated with the element of fire promotion of spiritual initiatives card in an upright position if. And get to know them for you to be fruitful for you some exciting related! Like a torch that can guide you through all obstacles in life intense and passionate people in the,. You would figure out the time motivation people may have some new business,! Apply toany situation, its pretty hard to separate court cards from their personality and energized by presence... Where to invest to win more failure, walking away of being a bit lost also get some exciting related... A rumour and defense, derision and communication work life thrill seekers benefit of the club other... About you, the Page finds growth in the end, though specific answer to the union of people. For work make 1 relationship you keep up the enthusiasm indicated in Page of Wands also mean news. Drive, enthusiasm or energy when this Minor Arcana card reversed can that.
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