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Today, Americans rely on the global economy for many of the things they buy and sell, and to expand their businesses and make investments. 2018. An excerpt of the film is provided in this activity. Which of the following is an example of a formal cultural region? The Memoirs of Cordell Hull, Volume 1. Realtime Economic Issues Watch (January 21). The incident is sometimes called "the Battle in Seattle.". Ask them to brainstorm what some pros and cons may be, and write them on the board. Trade and Investment Policy Watch (May 8). North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Yale University: Yale Center for the Study of Globalization. In this way, globalization influences trade, taste, and culture.Popular CulturePopular culture has also become more globalized. those who adopt new ideas just before the average member of a social system, those who are reluctant to adopt until most others do so, those who are the last to adopt an innovation, insisting on using ones own cultural rules. D) Folk cultures have great reverence for their environment. E) sub-Saharan Africa. What Is Globalization? - PIIE E) none of the above. B) New and Miami. McDonalds in Japan features a green-tea flavored milkshake. Globalization promotes interconnection among diverse national economies. This appears, however, to be an overstatement of the phenomenon. Not enough has been done to help those who have lost out from trade competition. 2017. Concerns were show over the perceived impact of beliefs, values, and social practices coming from foreign cultural products. Countries are growing less likely to trade with one another. People in the United States enjoy listening to South African music and reading Japanese comic books. If possible, have students watch the National Geographic film Illicit: The Dark Trade. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. United States spends only a fifth of what other advanced economies spend on average to help people find new jobs National Archives and Records Administration Editor of. is an aspect of cultural globalization and refers to the reduction in cultural diversity . Material aspects of culture include Bergsten, C. Fred. Anthropologist Arjun Appadurai described and studied five dimensions of global cultural flow. Tariffs remain elevated under President Joseph R. Biden Jr., as of mid-2021. They fear that everyone will end up eating hamburgers and watching Hollywood movies. schools which have a reputation for being bad. The protests turned violent. Other menu items are specific to that region. William Henry Fox Talbot, Public Domain Due to modern means of communication and transportation, the world is unified. Americansoftwarecompanies, such as Microsoft, rely on international trade to make largeprofits. For information on user permissions, please read our Terms of Service. Youth Culture and Globalization - 2689 Words | Term Paper Example Text on this page is printable and can be used according to our Terms of Service. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. This Pew Research poll finds more support than not for free trade agreements. INNOVATION A) Cultural assimilation. British manufacturers could then sell theirfinished goods, such as clothing and blankets, to buyers all over the worldthe United States, Brazil, Australia, even India.Globalization sped up dramatically in the twentieth century with theproliferationof air travel, the expansion offree trade, and the dawn of theInformation Age. Furman, Jason. of the cause. They are exposed to ideas about goods and services, which may increase demand for a specific product that may not be available at home. Globalization - Notes - Globalization is the word used to describe the B) they do not want to harm their environment. Which of the following statements best describes the dialectics of globalization? E) folk cultures eat mostly foods that locally available. Trump Tariffs Primarily Hit Multinational Supply Chains, Harm US Technology Competitiveness. US administrations have taken different approaches to deal with these concerns. All rights reserved. US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Instead of sacrificing trade gains, many economists recommend domestic policies like wage insurance, expanded Globalizationis the connection of different parts of the world. E) uniform landscapes. 2016. SOLUTION:- 1:- The correct option is :B Explanation: Global. Washington: Peterson Institute for International Economics. In 2018, the Trump administration started imposing tariffs on China citing a variety of reasons, including helping American manufacturing, countering forced technology transfers, and reducing Chinas large bilateral trade surplus in goods. Congressional Research Service. Which statement BEST summarizes the point made by that example? Competition from abroad drives US firms to improve their products. Washington: World Bank. Countries gather at the 1944 Bretton Woods conference. Protectionism is the term for government restrictions on international trade aimed at blocking foreign products and driving companies and consumers to purchase domestically produced goods and services. Which of the following statements best describes cultural hybridization? Which statements best explain how globalization offers an advantage to Miles offiber-opticcable now connect the continents, allowing people around the world to communicate instantly through the borderless World Wide Web.CommunicationModerncommunicationhas played a large role in cultural globalization. Globalization has very little impact on culture. C) they want to preserve their traditional cultures. or the WTO, mainly because technology has made it easier to produce goods. C) war and occupation. Solved Which statement best describes trends in | Has Global Trade Fueled US Wage Inequality? 2013. Solved 3. Which of the following describes globalization of | B) Fourth of July. Trade and Investment Policy Watch (September 5). Hufbauer, Gary Clyde, and Euijin Jung. What Is Globalization and What Are Its Effects? - ThoughtCo Hufbauer, Gary Clyde, and Sean Lowry. Currently, there is government support through a program called Trade Adjustment But the term gained popularity after the Cold War in the early 1990s, as these cooperative arrangements shaped modern everyday life. What is the term for a group of people who identify with their cultural and B) French Quebec. One such cadre, according to political scientist Samuel Huntington in The Clash of Civilizations (1998), comprises an elite group of highly educated people who operate in the rarefied domains of international finance, media, and diplomacy. Which of the following is not an example of expansion diffusion? Globalization reduces unique features of local culture and contributes to global cultural homogenization B. C) Midwest. The China Shock: Learning from Labor-Market Adjustment to Large Changes in Trade [pdf]. The agent selects a sample of 575757 one-bedroom apartments and collects and stores the data in Silver Spring Rentals. Trade and Investment Policy Watch (January 18). Although globalization has affected us economically and politically, it has also affected us socially on a wider scale. A) Race. A) quickly changing attributes. A consensus of scholarly work holds that globalization has contributed marginally to rising US wage inequality, putting this factor at 10 to 20 percent. Which of the following concepts is part of the mindfulness dimension of intercultural communication competence? 2017. Globalization offers greater equality for developing countries but has also diminished cultural diversity. PIIE Policy Brief 16-20. Adjustment and Income Distribution Impacts of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Migrant workers from the Philippines, for instance, may travel to Europe, Australia, or North America to find better-paying jobs.People do not travel just for work, of course. .ng-c-sponsor-logo { C) the spread of an idea from persons of power to other persons. Moran, Theodore H., and Lindsay Oldenski. Terms of Service| D) cultural exclaves. Globalization as a new phase has been exaggerated because most economic and social activity is regional, rather than . China bought none of the extra $200 billion of US exports in Trump's trade deal. Following centuries of European colonization and trade activity, that first wave of globalization was propelled by steamships, railroads, the telegraph, and other breakthroughs, and also by increasing economic cooperation among countries. Listening to the debates can be confusing. 2005. B) Culture is learned behavior that is passed from one generation to the next. E) All of the above. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. * (2 Points) causes threats to folk culture causes environmental impacts creates uniform landscapes all of the above. more dominant culture. D) the innovation of a cultural trait. Globalization increases global . C) the belief that ones own religion is superior to others. Technology firms have taken special advantage of their innovations this way. Solving these types of issues, which will inevitably arise and change over time, is best done through negotiation and coordination with trading partnersapplying due processin order to prevent costly trade wars, where more and more barriers end up hurting all sides. Cultural globalization | Pros, Cons, Examples, Impact, & Factors Many buildings were damaged. Trade and Globalization. Based on the passage, which statement best summarizes the effect of globalization is a term that is used to refer to the increased interdependence among nations. individuals and their communities. E) Navajo hogans. 2. C) each major world religion can be directly linked to a cultural homeland. Immigration is the process of moving to a new country or region with the intention of staying and living there. Washington. Supporters of globalization say that factory workers in poor countries are making much better wages than they would at other jobs available to them. After World War II, the United States helped build a global economic order governed by mutually accepted rules and overseen by multilateral institutions. C) culture hearth. D) skyscrapers. A culture learns or adopts a new idea or practice from another culture or cultures. Other advanced economies have generally increased the size of government programs as they Named after the Swiss town that began hosting annual meetings of the World Economic Forum in 1971, these Davos insiders share common beliefs about individualism, democracy, and market economics. Trade and Investment Policy Watch (November 6). 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. Have students write a bulleted list of information that supports the views they selected. People and organizations invest in companies all over the globe. E) all of the above. Recent US Manufacturing Employment: The Exception that Proves the Rule. Hufbauer, Gary Clyde, and Zhiyao (Lucy) Lu. Based on their research, tell students to select the arguments that they believe are most valid. Trade and Investment Policy Watch (August 30). 6. Explain to students that globalization, in its simplest form, means a more connected world. The United States had an overall trade deficit of $447 billion in 2017, according to the US International Trade Commission, as a result of Americans spending more than they earn and financing the difference with foreign credit. Clashing over Commerce. It gives rich countries access to lower cost resources and labor and poorer countries access to jobs and the investment funds they need for development. In 2002, theInternational Criminal Courtwas established. In this context, liberal refers to more free or open trade. B) Jews. D. Implement a program designed to increase economic development in impoverished countries. A culture keeps its own cultural ideas from other cultures. The Trump administration pushed for more power to impose tariffs. The result is a collection of elite groups whose unifying ideals transcend geographical limitations. Promotes free trade. B) the spread of an underlying principle or idea. Privacy Notice| The corporation can pay lower wages, because thestandard of livingin less developed countries is much lower. Videos by Daniel Housch D) an area around the boundary between two culture regions that exhibits traits Efforts to confront problems such as globalclimate changemust involve many different countries. C) a culture hearth. Manual work is increasingly being automated, lowering demand for workers. improve their competitiveness, Leads to higher tariffs on US exports, which would dampen sales and hurt US businesses and workers, Jeopardizes role of the United States as a world leader in international cooperation, making it more difficult to People often practice their folk customs instead of pop culture because Globalization is an inevitable development which cannot be resisted or significantly influenced by human intervention. If no button appears, you cannot download or save the media. Washington: Peterson Institute for International Economics.Bown, Chad P., and Jennifer A. Hillman. A) urban areas. Some people worry that Western culture will destroy local cultures around the world. The globalization of cultural subgroups is not limited to the upper classes. Assistance (TAA), though it only helps workers directly impacted by trade and the amounts paid are limited. Peddling Protectionism. If you have questions about licensing content on this page, please contact for more information and to obtain a license. A) Zimbabwe. 30 seconds. PIIE Policy Brief 16-5. The idea of maintaining international law has also grown. 2017. Today, news and information zips instantly around the world on theinternet. As Donald Trump prepares for his tenure in the White House, he talks of dismantling a whole history of globalized trade that he sees as having had a catastrophic effect on the global economy. Multiple-choice. their jobs to import competition. Hufbauer, Gary Clyde. A single attribute of culture is called a, The theory that the physical environment causes social and cultural development is. 2016. D) Many younger people who are childless arent concerned with the quality of public C) Syncretism. Wandner, Stephen A. As with major technological advances, globalization benefits society as a whole, while harming certain groups. Geography Test 1 Review Questions Flashcards | Quizlet C) Hierarchical diffusion. 2017. 1. 2 pts. For example, many software engineers and Internet entrepreneurs who live and work in Silicon Valley, California, maintain homes inand strong social ties toIndian states such as Maharashtra and Punjab. The globalization of Christianity spread from Europe toLatin Americathrough Christian missionaries working with the local populations.Globalization wasaccelerated in the nineteenth century with theIndustrial Revolution, as mechanicalmills and factories became more common. Most of these internationaltourists are from developed countries. Deglobalization 2.0: Trade and Openness During the Great Depression and the Great Recession by Peter A. G. van Bergeijk ISBN: 9781788973458 Published/Created: 2019 The rapid integration of global governments, businesses and capital has faced a dramatic and often hostile backlash in recent years. C) The spread of AIDS to the United States. D. Globalization contributes to global political, economic, and military dominance of some countries over others. People can read information about foreign countries as easily as they read about their local news.