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The portal can access those files and use them to remember the user's data, such as their chosen settings (screen view, interface language, etc. From first-principles theory, aluminum doping drives the alloy structurally from FCC to BCC separated by a narrow two-phase region (FCC+BCC), which is well supported by our experiments. & Brosh, E. Experimental study and thermodynamic calculations of phase relations in the FeC system at high pressure. Thus, BCC structure of a-iron is more loosely packed than that of FCC -iron, and that is why density of FCC -iron is 8.14 g/cm3 at 20C and 7.87 g/cm3 for -iron. fcc = DF Fe!fcc +DF Fe!X DFFe!X. B 91, 174194 (2015). Science Lett. Martensite is not shown in the equilibrium phase diagram of the iron-carbon system . Iota, V. et al. Sci. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Physics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for active researchers, academics and students of physics. 38 (2011). : Condens.Matter 19 326220) and by Lee et al (2012 J. A. The Definitive Explanation. What Is the Difference Between FCC and BCC? (Crystal Structure An abrupt silicon p^+n junction has an n-region doping concentration of N_a = 5 x 10^15 cm^-3. The P-V-T equation of state and thermodynamic properties of liquid iron. The melting curve of iron to 250 gigapascals: A constraint on the temperature at Earths center. The measurements in Ne and Ar pressure media show an alternative deviation from our data53. Desai, P. D. Thermodynamic properties of iron and silicon. Vacancies-mediated atomic diffusion controlled by the interfacial The hcp-Fe melts at 4033K and at higher temperatures the liquid is the only stable phase. 36, 891896 (1998). Decker, D. L. High-pressure equation of state for NaCl, KCl, and CsCl. & Price, G. D. The melting curve of iron at the pressures of the Earths core from ab initio calculations. (Metallurgy, How They Work, and Applications), What is the Difference Between Iron, Steel, and Cast Iron? Sodium has bcc packing. . Differentiating eq. Res. B. The solution required X mL of a potassium dichromate solution for the oxidation of iron content to the ferric state. When heating iron above 912C (1,674F), its crystal structure changes to a face-centered cubic (fcc) crystalline structure. Iron has BCC structure at room temperature. At temperatures between 912 Boehler, R., Vonbargen, N. & Chopelas, A. Melting, thermal-expansion, and phase-transitions of iron at high-pressures. However, when dealing with mathematical descriptions of crystals, it may be easier to describe the unit cell in the smallest form possible. If you want to learn about specific crystal structures, here is a list of my articles about Bravais lattices and some related crystal structures for pure elements. Given Parameter in Lattice parameter of BCC = Side of cenit cell of a Bec iron - abce = 2 . I r. It becomes four times larger. 6. Close. The reduction of germanium tetrachloride with lithium aluminum hydride gives a) digermane b) di and tri germanes c) monogermane d) mixture of all germanes. BCC In real space, it has a simple cubic lattice with one basis in the centre. A square is cut out of a copper sheet. Noting that AL is the volume V of the channel and, Semiconductors can become conductive if their temperature is raised sufficiently to populate the (empty) conduction band from the highest filled levels in the valence band. Because BCC iron (steel is basically iron with a small amount of carbon at interstitial sites in the underlying iron lattice) has a lower internal energy but a higher entropy than FCC iron. What happens to the field if the radius is doubled? Many of its properties arise because the next-nearest neighbors bond nearly as powerfully as the nearest neighbors. The Body-Centered Cubic (BCC) unit cell can be imagined as a cube with an atom on each corner, and an atom in the cube's center. The DFT calculations in this study enable us to understand how different amounts of H change the unit-cell volume of fcc FeH x alloy and then . High-pressurehigh-temperature equation of state of KCl and KBr. The calculated molar volume of fcc-Fe at 0.1MPa is consistent with measurements in ref. An extrapolation to high-pressure conditions revealed the very close position of the melting curves of fcc- and hcp-Fe. Make sure to explain clearly the different steps you have undertaken to come up with the solution. The Hexagonal Close-Packed (HCP) crystal structure is one of the most common ways for atoms to arrange themselves in metals. Decker, D. L. Equation of State of NaCl and Its Use as a Pressure Gauge in HighPressure Research. PNAS 115, 39163919 (2015). The body-centered cubic lattice is a cube with an atom on each corner and another in the volumetric center of the cube. The compressive stress in the surface layer created from the implosion of cavitation bubbles depends on the aggressiveness of the cavitation, which in turn depends on the test device . Compute the percentage volume change associated with this reaction. 37, 721739 (2010). arXiv:cond-mat/0207318v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 12 Jul 2002 Most of the ab initio estimations provide higher melting temperatures of Fe at 330 GPa compared with our data: 6700600K87, 6370100K88, 6900400K89, 71007200K90, 6325K91, and 6345K92. Matter. Reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic (RAFM) steels, primary candidate structural materials for fusion reactors, will suffer from a high dose of neutron irradiation under fusion conditions, leading to severe irradiation damages [1], [2], [3].Helium bubbles, formed from the transmutation-created helium in the iron-based alloys, have a significant deleterious effect on the . Here is a summary chart of all BCC crystal properties: If you want to know more about the basics of crystallography, check out this article about crystals and grains. b. decreases. 5c). It is important to compare the thermodynamics of these phases calculated by different methods. Dorogokupets, P. I. P-V-T Equations of state of MgO and thermodynamics. Accordingly, in equation (1) for liquid Fe, the magnetic part is excluded, whereas the entropy parameter is added: The reference temperature for liquid Fe at 0.1MPa is T0=1811K. Along the reference isotherm, the pressure was calculated using eq. Example is from GATE-2018 Paper.Jo. Molodets, A. Thermodynamic potentials and non-monotonic melting curve of sodium at high pressure. 3 mol liter-1 in 5 seconds. Convert: a. The Bain distortion is supposed to achieve the desired volume change between the fcc and bcc crystals with the smallest strains. At atmospheric pressure, three allotropic forms of iron exist, depending on temperature: alpha iron (-Fe), gamma iron (-Fe), and delta iron (-Fe). Get access to this video and our entire Q&A library, When impurities are added to an elastic substance, its elasticity (a) Increases (b) Decreases (c) Becomes zero (d) May increase or decrease. Funtikov, A. volume change of iron from bcc to fcc - 2. Geoscience 94, 162169 (2016). & Bell, P. Calibration of the ruby pressure gauge to 800 kbar under quasi-hydrostatic conditions. FCC. BCC and HCP Metals - University of Rhode Island Chem. The calculated triple points at the phase diagram have the following parameters: bcc-fcc-hcp is located at 7.3 GPa and 820 K, bcc-fcc-liquid at 5.2 GPa and 1998 K, and fcc-hcp-liquid . (c) halves. Depending on the element, the thermal energy to activate the slip systems will be different. P.D. That picture shows two unit cells of the fcc lattice. Calculate the volume change in percentage during. Determine the shortest distance, d, between, You wish to increase the carbon content of a slab of steel by exposing it to a carburizing atmosphere at elevated temperature. Diamond Cubic3. Question #173485. Komabayashi, T., Fei, Y., Meng, Y. 2. =88GPa and =2800K17 or =98.5GPa and =3712K14). The Body-Centered Cubic (BCC) crystal structure is important because it is extremely common in metals, and results in interesting properties like the ductile-to-brittle transformation temperature (DBTT) and high melting points. Suppose you cut a small gap in a metal ring. Earth Planet. Calculate the volume change associated with the change in crystal structure. Recently, the PVT relationships for hcp-Fe in different pressure-transmitting media at 300K up to 205GPa and at 1800K up to 100GPa have been investigated6. Calculate the percentage of change in volume that occurs when BCC iron Molodets, A., Molodets, M. & Nabatov, S. Helmholtzfree energy of molten metals. How would "dark matter", subject only to gravity, behave? Lett. However, under the Earths core conditions (P 360GPa, T 6000K) Fe acquires a substantial local magnetic moment47, up to 1.3B. Supplementary Figure S5 shows that our EoS for bcc-Fe is reliably consistent with experimental measurements49,50,51, which were obtained in quasihydrostatic conditions in He or Ne pressure media. pause playback. Zharkov, V. N. & Kalinin, V. A. Equations of State of Solids at High Pressures and Temperatures (ed. 2 that the FM state of fcc iron is unstable with respect to the tetragonal deformation; if one keeps the FM order the fcc iron will reconstruct spontaneously to bcc or fct phase, without essential changes of volume and magnetic moment per atom. Many metals such as iron, chromium, tungsten, molybdenum, and vanadium have the BCC crystal structure at room temperature. c) a rectangle with larger area. analyzed the data and wrote the manuscript text. Further complicating BCC ductility: these slip systems may not always be active. BCC is nearly close-packed and has great stability because of its high number of nearest neighbors and next-nearest neighbors. Calphad 29, 6889 (2005). The position of the liquid triple point in the phase diagram of iron has been determined many times and revealed highly controversial results (Fig. At high pressure and temperature, iron was found to be paramagnetic47. Anderson, W. W. & Ahrens, T. J. A then what is the lattice parameter? Molodets, A., Molodets, M. & Nabatov, S. Free energy of liquid diamond. [14] -iron can dissolve as much as 0.08% of carbon by mass at 1,475C. Phys. An alternate stable form, if it exists, may appear at pressures of at least 50GPa and temperatures of at least 1,500K; it has been thought to have an orthorhombic or a double hcp structure. Tectonophys. Density ( at given P and T), adiabatic bulk modulus (KS) and the P-wave velocity (vP=(KS/)1/2) of the liquid iron estimated by our formalism can be compared with the values of PREM72. If you are interested in primitive cells, you can read all about them in this article. App. This is an important concept in your introductory materials science class, so if you want a full explanation of APF, check out this page. Inter. Geophys. & Garbarino, G. Low temperature equation of state of epsilon-iron. Lu, X.-G., Selleby, M. & Sundman, B. c. It is unchanged. Compute and compare its theoretical density with the experimental value found inside the front cover. Curves fccliq and bcchcp are extrapolated. 92, 93199325 (1987). B. Wide-range multiphase equation of state for iron. B-H vs M-H Hysteresis Loops: Magnetic Induction vs Magnetization (Similarities, Differences, and Points on the Graph), What is Scanning Electron Microscopy? 86, 58015808 (1999). 16, S973S982 (2004). An intensity level change of +2.00 dB corresponds to what percentage change in intensity? Redox-structure dependence of molten iron oxides, Hexagonal Close-packed Iron Hydride behind the Conventional Phase Diagram, Electronic correlations and transport in iron at Earths core conditions, No system-size anomalies in entropy of bcc iron at Earths inner-core conditions, Melting phase relations in FeSiH at high pressure and implications for Earths inner core crystallization, Superionic iron alloys and their seismic velocities in Earths inner core, Stability and nature of the volume collapse of -Fe2O3 under extreme conditions, Viscosity of hcp iron at Earths inner core conditions from density functional theory, (Fe,Ni)2P allabogdanite can be an ambient pressure phase in iron meteorites,, Core origin of seismic velocity anomalies at Earths coremantle boundary, Stratification in planetary cores by liquid immiscibility in Fe-S-H, Thermal conductivity of iron and nickel during melting: Implication to the planetary liquid outer core, Compressional wave velocity for iron hydrides to 100 gigapascals via picosecond acoustics, Equations of state of clino- and orthoenstatite and phase relations in the MgSiO3 system at pressures up to 12 GPa and high temperatures. Google Scholar. Data 15, 967983 (1986). Kuwabara, S. Sound velocity and elastic properties of FeNi and FeNiC liquids at high pressure. A student kept his 9.0 V, 5.6 W radio turned on at full volume from 4.00 P.M. until 3.00 A.M. Rubidium forms the positive Rb+. Tange, Y., Nishihara Y. theoretical grounds. For pure iron this change occurs at 910 C. The body-centred cubic (bcc) crystals of Figure 2 change to face-centred cubic (fcc) crystals as illustrated in Figure 3. Under this new scenario, how much more energy will be striking the child's eardrums each second? Body-Centered Cubic (BCC) Unit Cell - Materials Science & Engineering One more experimental dataset64 overestimates pressures by up to 6GPa compared with our data for fcc-Fe. At room temperature, BCC iron has all 5 slip systems activated, which is why it is ductile. The melting line of Fe determined in ref. 97, 215504 (2006). Phys. (d) is reduced to one-quarter its original value. Anderson, O. L. & Isaak, D. G. The dependence of the Anderson-Grneisen parameter T upon compression at extreme conditions. However, the 5 independent slip systems may not be activated at all temperatures, so some BCC metals are ductile while others are brittle. Res. If you find something abusive or that does not comply with our terms or guidelines please flag it as inappropriate. Coordination Number (CN) is the number of nearest neighbors that each atom has. The 298K isotherm for -Fe was calculated using the compressibility curve from ref. At this transition, the heat capacity of Fe has a characteristic -shape form with a maximum at TC9,10. The susceptibility of annealed iron at saturation is 5500. ADS Base-Centered Orthorhombic10. Stability of the body-centred-cubic phase of iron in the Earths inner core. (2). Triclinic. Mao, H. K., Bell, P. M., Shaner, J. W. & Steinberg, D. J. The Infona portal uses cookies, i.e. If youre interested in advanced crystallography or crystallography databases, you may want to check out the AFLOW crystallographic library. Slip systems are the way that atoms slide past each other when deforming. Proc. Since BCC is one of the most common crystal structures, there are many examples to choose from! Finally, the melting line of Fe measured using a synchrotron-based fast X-ray diffraction method was also proposed14. Austenite is a metallic, non-magnetic solid solution of carbon and iron that exists in steel above the critical temperature of 1333F ( 723C). Slip systems determine many mechanical properties of materials, and is the main reason why a material will be ductile or brittle. (1) Here, DFFe!X bcc denotes the free-energy change when 1 out of N Fe atoms is changed to an X atom in a bcc lattice; for an fcc lattice, this quantity is dened analogously. Hexagonal Close-Packed4b. PubMed Our thermodynamic calculations indicate a melting temperature of hcp-Fe at 5882K at 328.9GPa, and it is in a good agreement with the estimated melting temperature T=5800500K obtained from the shock wave data93 and extrapolation from the experiments14, which is T=6230500K. Figures 2 and 3 show the fccliquid melting curve and its extrapolation to high pressures. b. Solved Q.5. 2-At 912 C, iron changes from the BCC (-Fe) to | (c) reduces by 2. Jackson, J. M. et al. Phys. Res. Tsujino, N. et al. Phys. We store cookies data for a seamless user experience. Answered: Iron (Fe) undergoes an allotropic | bartleby Phys. One can see in Fig. In the book Condensed Matter Physics by Marder I have read that an FCC lattice can be obtained by expanding a bcc lattice along one axis by a factor of $\sqrt{2}$. Find the length of the side of the original square. If the mass of the bob of simple pendulum decreases, its time period will increase or decrease? Murphy, C. A., Jackson, J. M., Sturhahn, W. & Chen, B. Melting and thermal pressure of hcp-Fe from the phonon density of states. The most direct difference between FCC and BCC crystals is in the atomic arrangements. After the passage of 140 amperes for 482.5 sec, the mass of anode decreased by 22.260 g and the cathode increased in mass by 22.011. (b) increases by 1. & Tsuchiya T. Unified analyses for P-V-T equation of state of MgO: A solution for pressure-scale problems in high P-T experiments. J. Appl. A. The total energy of the crystal is made up of a balance of these two,. The newly measured melting line of Fe extrapolated to 330GPa reveals a temperature of about 6230500 K14. Sakai, T., Ohtani, E., Hirao, N. & Ohishi, Y. What is b in terms of R? That is not the maximum (which is 12, found in close-packed structures), but BCC has such high stability because of its next-nearest neighbors.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'msestudent_com-box-4','ezslot_3',121,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-msestudent_com-box-4-0'); There are 6 next-nearest neighbors, but these are only 15% farther away than the nearest-neighbors. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Mechanical Engineering. Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves 35, 185190 (1999). The triple point of iron investigated by high pressurehigh temperature neutron scattering. Antiferromagnetism in alloys of epsilon-Fe with Mn, Os and Ru has been observed.[16]. Inter. As a result, it turns into a) a square with a larger area b) a square with a smaller area c) a rectangle with a larger area d. How many decibels does a chicken produce generally (clucking after laying an egg), and what is the maximum volume that chickens cluck at? Effects of Co and Cr on bcc Fe grain boundaries cohesion from first Alfe, D. Temperature of the inner-core boundary of the Earth: Melting of iron at high pressure from first-principles coexistence simulations. Its face-centred cubic (FCC) structure allows it to hold a high proportion of carbon in solution. It becomes twice as large. Brosh, E., Makov, G. & Shneck, R. Z. Become a member to unlock this answer! Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Calculated Gibbs energy of hcp-, fcc-, and liquid Fe at different temperatures at pressure P=125GPa. The inner core of the Earth is generally assumed to consist essentially of a crystalline iron-nickel alloy with structure. Whereas the melting curve goes 500K higher than the experimentally determined one14 at 100200GPa. Pure iron goes through a polymorphic change from BCC to FCC upon heating at 912C. Differentiation of the thermal pressure with respect to temperature at constant volume gives the pressure slope at constant volume: The volume dependence of and q was accepted in the Altshuler form44: The volume dependence of the Einstein temperature can be expressed as: In eqs (12,13,14,15) 0 is the Grneisen parameter at reference conditions, is the Grneisen parameter at infinite compression (x=0), and is a fitted parameter. At very high pressure, a fourth form exists, called epsilon iron (-Fe). Geodyn. 52. \%. Fitting parameters for our EoS for liquid iron were calculated using the following assumptions (as a starting point for calculations): (i) the Gibbs energy of -Fe and liq-Fe must be the same at 1811K and 0.1MPa; (ii) the entropy of liquid Fe increases by 7.626Jmol1K1 upon melting9 in comparison with the entropy of -Fe; (iii) the melting line of Fe was taken from ref. Base-Centered Monoclinic14. Quasihydrostatic equation of state of iron above 2 Mbar. J. Geophys. Google Scholar. Rev. 1.231 Does the volume increase or decrease when FCC changes to BCC iron? Why Adding some elements, such as Chromium, narrows the temperature range for the gamma phase, while others increase the temperature range of the gamma phase. Calculated phase diagram of iron at pressures up to 16GPa in comparison with reference data7,11,68,69,70. 233, 2432 (2014). a) If a page is reduced to 80%, what percent enlargement is needed to return it to its original size? The melting point of iron is experimentally well defined for pressures less than 50GPa. Iron has a body-centered cubic unit cell with a cell edge of 2 8 6. Brown, M. J. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A 229, 459467 (1955). (c) Calculated density along the 5882K isentrope. Izv. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Round your result to 2 decimal places. Geol. You can read all about interstitial sites in this article, but BCC has two types of interstitial sites: octahedral and tetrahedral. Only few available interatomic interaction potentials implement the phase transformation in iron by featuring a stable low-temperature bcc and high-temperature fcc lattice structure. The phenomena of cavitation and cavitation erosion affect hydraulic machines, increasing their maintenance costs. At first, the periodic table placed the elements in order of increasing atomic mass. B., Ahuja, R. & Johansson, B. Simple Orthorhombic9. 0.84 g iron ore containing X percent of iron was taken in a solution containing all the iron in the ferrous state. -Fe can be subjected to pressures up to ca. Sciences 41, 657691 (2013). Another scientific group75 placed the liquid triple point at 60GPa and 2800K using pressures calculated from the EoS of hcp-Fe12 and EoS of MgO76. The following comparison has also been assessed by previous studies84,95 on temperature calculations of liquid iron in the Earths core at isentropic conditions and various pressures. [20], "Gamma loop" redirects here. Vinet, P., Ferrante, J., Rose, J. H. & Smith, J. R. Compressibility of solids. First Principles Theory of the hcp-fcc Phase Transition in Cobalt - Nature In this work, the volume and pressure effects on thermodynamic quantities including Gruneisen parameter and melting temperature of sodium have been studied of to 65 GPa. & Takahashi, T. Effect of pressure on crystal structure and lattice parameters of iron up to 300 kbar. Volume of BCC and FCC? | Physics Forums Dorogokupets P. I., Sokolova T. S., Dymshits A. M. & Litasov K. D. Thermodynamic properties of rock-forming oxides, -Al2O3, Cr2O3, -Fe2O3, and Fe3O4 at high temperatures and pressures. When heated, it transforms from BCC to FCC at 1185 K. The atomic radii of iron atoms at this temperature are 0.126 and 0.129 nm for bcc and fcc, respectively. For greater pressures, published data (as of 2007) put the --liquid triple point at pressures that differ by tens of gigapascals and 1000K in the melting point. W is the prototype for BCC. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Privacy Policy Show that the FCC structure is denser than the BCC structure. At the conditions near the fcchcpliquid triple point the Clapeyron slope of the fccliquid curve is dT/dP=12.8K/GPa while the slope of the hcpliquid curve is higher (dT/dP=13.7K/GPa). 2.6 m/s^2 to km/hr^2 c. 3.5 m^2. The edge length of a body centered cubic unit cell is 390 \ pm. However, in previous studies, 80 eV He + irradiation induced a series of phase structure changes in single-phase BCC-structured Al-Cr-Fe-Ni HEA due to intense vacancy-mediated atomic diffusion during irradiation, i.e. The solid lines are the calculations by Eq. Solids 54, 221227 (1993). C. comple. Google Scholar. At 10.5GPa and 753K7 (or by more precise and recent measurements at 8.2GPa and 678K11), there is a triple point between bcc-Fe, fcc-Fe, and the high-pressure phase hcp-Fe, which has the hexagonal close-packed (hcp) structure (hcp-Fe). BCC to FCC transformation in Iron (Problem discussion) USA 104, 91829186 (2007). This same trend appears for ruthenium but not osmium. 39, L20308 (2012). Publisher's note: Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Dinsdale, A. T. SGTE data for pure elements. [0809.3515] Effect of magnetic state on the - transition in iron 52, 456466 (2014). 55, 56 and 60 using the NaCl scale60, a better consistency with our EoS for bcc-Fe is obtained, which confirms the relevance of the experimental data mentioned above55,56. B 91, 174105 (2015). Solved 2. Calculate the percentage of change in volume that - Chegg Phys. Phys. 3). Thus, direct experimental measurements of the melting line of Fe and the liquid triple point indicate about 40GPa uncertainty in pressure and about 1000K uncertainty in temperature. Determine . This work was financially supported by Russian Science Foundation (No 14-17-00601) and performed under program of Ministry of education and science of Russian Federation (Project No 14.B25.31.0032). At 125GPa the fcc-Fe melts at 4019K, however, this point is in the stability field of the hcp-Fe. Lost your password? J. Geophys. Expert Answer. We thank the reviewers for critical comments and suggestions. Phys. 257 (Springer Science+Business Media, New York, 1971). 3.7 Iron has a BCC crystal structure, an atomic radius of 0.124 nm, and an atomic weight of 55.85 g/mol. Melting of compressed iron by monitoring atomic dynamics. You can see a useful picture of this in a question posted on Chemistry StackExchange. You can see that, if the fcc cell dimensions are taken to be of unit length, the body-centred tetragonal cell has dimensions $\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\times \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \times 1$. Do roots of these polynomials approach the negative of the Euler-Mascheroni constant? 1. B 85, 214105 (2012). Earth Planet. Transcribed image text: 2. Thus, the problem of consistent EoSs for solid phases (bcc-Fe, fcc-Fe, and hcp-Fe) and liquid iron remains extremely important. To calculate the pressure, the Ne, NaCl-B2, and Pt pressure scales52, and the MgO pressure scale71 were used. Silicon atom density is 5 x 10^22 cm^-3. Rhombohedral5a. Phase diagram of iron: Implications for the state of the Earths core. [8][9] It has a hardness of approximately 80 Brinell. (How it Works, Applications, and Limitations), What is Materials Science and Engineering? Discover crystal lattice structures. Ichikawa, H., Tsuchiya, T. & Tange, Y. Science Lett. 17 revealed the triple point at 88GPa and 2800K. In addition, the melting temperature of Fe at the coremantle boundary (P=135GPa) at 3500100K with careful estimation of thermal pressure and anharmonicity was determined80. Report No. Liu, J., Lin, J.-F., Alatas, A. It may look like there are 9 atoms because there are 8 corners and 1 in the center, but actually the cell only intersects portions of those corner atoms. The Find the reciprocal lattice vectors for the bcc and fcc structures and calculate the primitive volume for each. Institute of Earths Crust, SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia, V. S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia, You can also search for this author in The lower value of the hcp-Fe magnetic moment seems to be more realistic.