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So the math:5 cords @ $180 = $900 // 5 tonsCoal @ $75 = $375. Got some firewood out of because it's the first thing I got rid of at his house when he passed, it but it got mixed in so I have no idea how it burns. It is much heavier than air dryed spruce and black burned bark has fallen off after time so it is clean to cut & process any one know BTU ofthis fire killed spruce v. air dried spruce ? I have the square footage of space in the house but what zone do i need so I can purchase the right sized wood stove? Fire it upFire it up! This wood is ideal used for cooking, adding delicious flavor whether you love to grill, spit roast, or smoke. What Are The Physical Characteristics Of Russian Olive Wood? I burn approximately 20 cords of wood each season. Olive is a highly dense hardwood which makes it great for coaling. Toss in a large log; itll give off heat for much longer than options like pine. ft. barn/house. The greatest downside to using it is the abundance of tree sap that adheres to ones gloves during the cutting and stacking process. The manzanita and white alder need more research. Russian olive | Forums Home But older trees have tough, stringy trunks that require much more work. . Your email address will not be published. I will feed twice that amount of seasoned. Walnut and Mulberry,having quite a plentiful supply of those. The tradition of burning a Yule log has largely fizzled out in most parts of the world. Russian Olive grows fast and smells good, two ideal characteristics. At 23.0 million BTUs of heat per cord, Russian olive gives off moderate heat. is magnolia on the list of burning trees and where is it and if its not can i have some info bout it,please. In the fireplace, it is consumed due to the extreme heat of the wood, and the wood burns just as if it has been dead for several years. Even when thoroughly seasoned, it does tend to spit embers sporadically. Firewood BTU Chart. Another challenge with Russian olive trees is the thorns that can cause nasty injuries. But when burnt while still holding more than 20% moisture in its wood, it will continue to release that unpleasant smell. Thanks. Dried as rounds about six months. I think many of us are a little envious of the river bottom land you have and the great hardwoods you have access to. After seeing this list, I now understand why live oak dulls my chainsaw blades so quick. Jul 16, 2013. I also recently got some red maple that makes a good fireplace flame, if not a lot of heat. Someone is selling russian olive for $50/cord. Burns with a big bright flame and burns sorta slow . Is Lodgepole Pine Good Firewood? - Theyardable This wood is best suited to turned objects, in my experience, as the irregular wood and knots tend to make it hard to work with anything duller than a razor blade.Since I find that irregular woods seem to do well on the lathe, I use it for turnings, as it is very figured and I think it looks quite nice. I am planting some of the Eastern varieties out here that we had in PA. Many black oaks lost big limbs in the surprise snow of Nov 2010. Sometimes the base of the tree is hollow with a wet sawdust inside. My favorite wood to burn, has always been standing dead elm. Much like poplar firewood varieties, the wood from the Russian olive in most cases is easy to split. Re Bradford Pear, we had one in our front yard that lasted about 15 yrs., then went the way of many: split in a storm. It was cut 4 month prior to burning in the winter . I had some mostly seasoned red oak , shagbark hickory , and black locust. I have Hickory and just love it! Cut the wood by splitting it with an axe or log splitter. With the ability to adapt to any soil type, the Russian olives tree can tolerate more than 75 gallons of water daily. I cannot find any chart that lists BTUs for Shingle Oak anyone out there have specific information on that particular variety? density, and several qualitative parameters smell, ash production, fast/slow burn, ease of starting, ease of splitting, color/look of flame, popping/sparking and probably others. With a BTU of 23, Russian olive firewood can produce substantial heat over a long time. In fact, Im convinced you cant, conventionally. When its cold out, I seem less lazy to get up in the middle of the night to keep the fire hot overnight. Mostly ash, cherry, shagbark hickory, maple and beech. There is of course no obligation, but if youd like to give back and ensure that the project continues to grow, consider supporting me on Patreon. The best-known firewoods are white and red oak trees. BTU Values of Wood Species Wood species type BTU values of a cord burning wood in a wood stove As you can see from the chart below, the famed red oak is not the highest on the list. Just cut down a Shingle Oak Tree here in Ohio. I checked my bandsaw / motor to make sure I didnt have sparks/smoldering. Nothing burns green like ash. I have old growth straight grain cedar I cut in the early 90s for kindling and its still as good as the day I cut it. Any comment when compare to other oaks>, how much does a chord of juniper firewood cost. Many use digger pine as it is reasonably priced, but requires that yearly clean out. Green firewood only gives off about 40% of the energy of dry firewood. Once burning it will not go out, so it is also commonly used for hog roast pits. WE MADE BARTOPS, SHELVES, AND FENCING OUT OF IT (PRIMO FOR THOSE, AS THE GRAIN IS VERY PRETTY AND CONTRASTING). Though seasoning the wood for long enough will eventually make the smell dissipate. Olive is diffuse porous, whileRussian Olive is ring-porous. russian olive firewood btu - Russian olive is good firewood to use when you already have the means to start a fire. Sourwood trees provide an excellent habitat for pollinators, and their lumber makes great tool handles, but is sourwood good firewood? Firewood BTU Ratings Chart Best Firewood Heat Energy Content As with any wood, olive requires adequate seasoning before use. Hedge (Osage Orange) will do the same thing. A fast-lighting softwood kindling will help get the fire started much quicker. The few times he has a bonfire he cooks hotdogs and marshmallows over treated oak pallet wood !!! Common Uses: Knife scales, bowls, pens, and other small woodturning projects. All Rights Reserved. Lots of heat and hot coals-kept us from freezing one late night at 6,000 feet in late October, while we were wasting time patroling a wildfire in NE California back in 85. Please leave your comments or questions on those pages if you have experience or questions about those types of firewood. Like several posters have commented, a big chunk of fir will last for 5-6 hours in the wood stove, and makes for an easy re-start in the morning. Axe Adviser9169 W State St #254Garden City, ID 83714United States. Burning well-seasoned poplar and maple, with a couple sticks of red oak. Seasoned olive burns clean and leaves minimal creosote. The doug fir gets the bark beetles that work away the outer layer, but if you can get the bark off the wood it will last several years. Northern Cal checking in, renovated an old homestead 5 years ago and have been clearing doug fir and california bay laurel for fire safety zone around the house. Not good for firewood but great for woodworking. I added the BTU of Eucalyptus to the charts but I cant find consistent data for avocado and almond. I noticed a lack of information on Hickory. cure time is at least 2 years covered,found a rating of 16 mil btus per cord but it was rated as poor firewood. And if its cabinets, Id guess it to be a yellow poplar. gatlinburg civil war museum; premarital counseling grand rapids, mi. Poplar, Cottonwood, and Aspen: Whats What? I;M TAKING DOWN BROKEN BRANCHES ON A TREE I WAS TOLD WAS LOCUST.NOT WHAT TYPE.WOOD IS LIGHTCOLORED, CORE IS DARK. Was used centuries ago as a last rite in dwelling of certain Mohave Indian tribes when older people were near death. Ive only ived here for the last 4 years, It should have been pruned back many years ago but now to late and needs to be cut down. When the tempreture drops to single digits or below zero the BTU output keeps my home comfortable, I also like the shagbark hickery. It is still softwood, so does not provide as much heat as oak, maple or black locust. I forgot to mention that I cut and split a Catalpa. I picked up some cherry wood and have to say, Im very impressed. Hickory is still my favorite , but I also have learned to find dead standing mullberry thats near seasoned. Spruce and Birch both probably have about the same BTU rating, however I have found that Birch burns cleaner. I consider myself as an expert in firewood as I have heated my home with wood for 30 years. Live in S/W Missouri, and wood heat is our only source for 3,400 sq. Persimmon is a good secret,burns hot and long. THAT IS THE SWEET-SMELLING AROMIC CEDAR THEY LINE CLOSETS WITH. (Im assuming it rates as a soft maple) Luckily, our home is passive solar with super-insulated walls so it will still be worth burning. When were craning wood out of the tree or hauling big Monterey pine I use the weight charts for Douglas fir since Ive read they are almost the same density green. all our needs now,and for a few more years,sad business. Russian olive wood is not known to give off a smell when burning when it is fully dry. Have also taken large quantities of red oak (everyones favorite) and red maple (the poor mans oak), and smaller amounts of cherry (nice smell), beech (hot stuff), yellow birch (great smell), white oak, and sweetgum. Endgrain: Ring-porous; 5-10 rows of medium to large earlywood pores, exclusively solitary latewood pores grading from medium to small; tyloses sometimes present; medium to wide rays visible without lens, spacing wide; parenchyma generally not visible with hand lens, or diffuse-in-aggregates (barely visible). The russian olive gets it's feet in first now. Do these stoves not have dampers? Quick Answers. Its a very interesting subject you bring up Audrie that I would also like to hear comments about. Is Russian Olive Good Firewood? - I live in an area surrounded by Russian Olive trees. Apparently Magnolia is very similar to Tulip Poplar. If the Russian olive woods content is still too high after a year, give it a few more months to season. Be wary of using Russian olive wood in an open fireplace. But its tendency to take on more water in certain settings means extended seasoning time. Its not worth the time to cut, split, stack and burn. It does mention its good fuel, but not how good. I have found a good way to make charcoal if your a pyro maniac / fire bug like me. The cores, thick bark that protects the Russian olive wood makes it difficult for the wood to dry out as quickly as pine or fir if not split. Thanks for all the input!!!!!! Much like poplar firewood varieties, the wood from the Russian olive in most cases is easy to split. Some softwood varieties produce a lot, meaning youll need to clean the chimney more often. Anyone have any idea of cure times, BTU output etc? The short trunk and gnarled branches of these trees gives an impression of light wood, but don't be deceived. In most cases, wood that has little sap build-up is easier to chop and quicker to dry. As the chainsaw reaches the middle of the tree, the tree will begin to fall due to the hinge you originally cut. It is tolerant of considerable amounts of salinity or alkalinity, and can survive considerable droughts. To get the most heat production out of . Anyone who thinks its crappy has either failed to keep it dry, not split it small enough or burned it green. I BELIEVE ITS CALLED SALT CEDAR. Funny, just made an archery bow from Autumn Olive, close relative, and it had a very pleasant smell. Id like to see a table with all of these parameters listed by species. I believe that pecan should be very high in BTUs and close to the other hickories, only because its in the family. While we have quite a few woods available to us, what weve settled on for the fire place is a 50/50 mix of Oregon Ash and Black Locust. Not a native species, but abundant where it has been planted (I have seen it coast to coast) Any idea the BTU of Tree of Heaven or alianthus (?sp). The bradford pear burned fast with a mid size flame . Russian olive will mostly produce a lot of ash but will burn for a long time regardless. I grow eucalypt here in the Modesto area and it never lasts as long as almond, but it is also resinous and burns faster. wrightmade. Oak gets borers and starts getting dusty with sawdust falling out. My stock is quite soft and light weight. Make another cut at a 45-degree angle above the original cut, so the cuts join, creating a notch in the wood resembling a wedge of watermelon. Depending on the types of conditions that the Russian olive tree was growing in, it may be carrying a higher moisture content than you expect. Invest in a moisture meter to know when your firewood has seasoned for long enough. Or, if the wood is worth your effort. Read to find out. I cant locate any ratings for this wood. Not my favorite wood but I may change my mind after the project is finished. THE EARLY SNOW STORM DAMAGED A LOT OF TREES HERE IN ORANGE COUNTY NY. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Does anyone have any experience with growing and maintaining a small coppice wood? try this RLB. Im still retrieving all the down stuff and will continue for a couple years, at least. Firewood with High or Very high heat output 1 cord = 21,000,000 . land. How do you burn and what type of stove do you use? Depending on the types of conditions that the Russian olive tree was growing in, it may be carrying a higher moisture content than you expect. Stain? Wood needs to typically produce healthy goals to allow the fire to stay hot and restart in the morning. Many places consider it evasive now and are trying to get rid of it. Because of the air space between the pieces of wood, the amount of solid wood in a cord may be only 70-90 cubic feet, even though the volume of the stack is 128 cubic feet. It doesnt seem to put out much ash, but does put out some real heat. In most cases, wood that has little sap build-up is easier to chop and quicker to dry. Its wood is excellent for woodworking projects or turning. When you burn the tree, you put the carbon back. They are the top wood, BTU-wise. Mix some ash firewood in with your Russian olive and you will get a good heat source burning quickly. Great site!, Too Much Charcoal Building Up in a Wood Stove, Does Burning Softwood Cause Creosote in a Chimney, Soaking Wood Chips for Smoking and Grilling. ), You can help support the site by buying one of these resources, designed and published by The Wood Database. If you tend to have respiratory allergies, beware and use dust protection when working with this wood. I used to have a orchard in San Diego and it doesnt do anything, but turn to ash. The inside resembles red or white oak color & grain. However, Russian olive wood still takes at least 12 months to dry and is difficult to split despite next to no sap production. According to wikipedia bradford pear trees originally come from China. BTU rating of russian olive | Forums Home Being a semi professional firewood dealer here in the Redding area of the State of Jefferson, California I find a lot of mixed wood. This can help you decide what the best firewood type is for your needs. Comments:Originally brought to the United States in the late 1800s for windbreaks and erosion control (and as an ornamental tree). They have a wierd looking fruit that is bright green and and can be as big as a cantaloupe and just as heavy. THE COALS GLOW REDHOT LIKE OAK, BUT WITH HARDLY ANY HEAT. Mulga roots are about the only thing hotter/longer/denser. It burns like coal,but wreaks havoc on a chainsaw and chain!!! Great aroma too. The average efficiency rating is around 19.9 million BTU per cord. Lodgepole can generate a BTU as high as 17.7, making it one of the higher burning pines. Are they actually different species? Be sure to let it season before burning to know how it should truly burn .Funny Story, I had a friend that cut a storm fallen red oak . Firewood - 24hourcampfire Also, their is plenty of it and nobody burns it so is always available and helps to conserve my hardwood. When dry, Russian olive will give off very little smoke, making it a good choice as an indoor fire source. my experiences with Russian olive is that it is rather easy to work with and finishes very nicely. Ill have much pecan to burn this fall , we cut a huge tree . Red Oak requires a bit of time to season, but burns well after 2 years. In this area, several limbs come together into one knotted mess. (Sir Douglas Menzizii) He really didnt know how to classify it because it had characteristics of fir and also of hemlock so he called it Pseudo(false) tsuga (hemlock)so it is really not fir at all or hemlock? I live in Northeastern Pennsylvania, where I have 20 acres of mixed hardwoods. As a result, a cord of wood may only have 70-90 cubic feet of actual solid wood. Its all from WI. Joined Apr 27, 2013 Messages 307 . I told him that wood had to dry before burning and he said its been drying all week long , it should be dry by now . attributed to mark twain!!! This is a project Ive been working on. The one that puts on what is called hedge apples, eaten by squirrels. Dogwood is by far the hottest. (red) just now brought back a load of beech. We just felled 12 mature ash trees 12 to 24 inches in diameter, and are now bucking them up and splitting them. Unseasoned wood will still have some water content and will result in a slower burn, thus quicker creosote build-up. I got a load of osage orange once and while it burned great, lots of coals, it also seemed to produce a lot of ashes. Its BTU is just as high as birch which varieties produce a BTU of 23.8 million per cord and higher than douglas fir, which has a BTU of 20,7. It does have thorns and it is easy to work. Store firewood somewhere constantly dry and airy. But its tendency to take on more water in certain settings means extended seasoning time. Be sure to poke a couple holes to vent the gases .Then get a 55 gal drum or make a small kiln to put your bucket in .Start your fire then put the bucket in. Does anyone know what the btu rating of russian olive is, I burn tons and it makes more heat than anything else that we have so I am curious about the btus. Ive also heard this about black locust, which I also burn. In comparison, Russian olive burns at 23 BTU. Some would argue that its even impossible without a hydraulic splitter. 10 24 inche in diam. Is It Okay To Burn Russian Olive In A Fireplace? I know I know I can hear the comments about creosote but as long as it is dry and you give it air to burn it does great. Do they make good firewood? I cant seem to find any info on suitability of Tupelo or Black Gum for firewood. We run fans in the winter as much as we run them in the summer. PRACTICALLY EVERY RANCH FENCE HERE AND NEW MEXICO IS MADE FROM IT, ITS EASILY SPLIT AND IT RESISTS ROTTING. Western Softwoods Figures from California Energy Commission But Rating Based on 90 cubic feet of solid wood per 128 cubic foot cord. We used to call them hedge apples. Pros And Cond Of Using Russian Olive as Firewood. It will burn longer than softwoods and will be just as effective as hardwoods. Does anyone know anything about using it for firewood. Theres a very large pile of willow butt logs, in a bunch pile from the willow my landlords had cut down, its an eyesore and Im tempted to lop it up and split it, not only to get rid of it but firewood is going for 210.00 per cord here and Im thinking its not cost effective to bother with wood having natural gas for the furnace. So far, MSI has cleared an estimated 290 acres within the Animas River watershed, removing approximately 2,700 stems of Russian olive and 340 of the similarly invasive Tamarisk plants. The Blue beech is more or less a weed species but does produce very dense wood which I harvest when it seems sickly or is growing in clumps. Season the wood to remove any moisture for one year before burning it. Other invasive olive trees are the Autumn olive (. Thanks. I've never seen birds eating the berries. Russian olive does produce a lot of heat. How Often Should I Remove Creosote From My fireplace? The Best Fast-Growing Trees to Use For Firewood, North Forty News: Russian Olives Fall Out of Favor, University of Missouri Extension: Wood Fuel for Heating. Im guessing that the Hemlock that I can get is eastern soft wood correct 15.9? Though seasoning the wood for long enough will eventually make the smell dissipate. WHAT KIND OF LOCUST IS IT AND WILL IT BE A GOOD FIREWOOD IN A COUPLE OF MONTH..THANKS red Oak) Sweet Gum is great for a hot fire, but burns too quickly. But unlike other woods like birch, Russian olive catches fire very slowly. But unlike other woods like birch, Russian olive catches fire very slowly. It is impossible to split when green and easy when dry, but unless special precautions are taken itll rot rather than season. Cottonwood (we refer it as Waterwood) is worthless. Its already snowed a couple o times and was snowing today (BUMMER!). That being said, it is a wood that is mostly sold to hobbyists, so it can be hard to find a firewood seller who supplies Russian olive as firewood. Olive wood - what a find, limited quantity! I live in Washington State,and We have a lot of conifers here! Everyone has these charts but none of the wood listed is available here in Southern Cal. The smell just gets me ready for breakfast as soon as I get it going! I BELIEVE THE CEDAR HES TALKING ABOUT IS INCENSE CEDAR. All of them burn well. Keeps for a couple years at best. It will dry out for a season and then be split and distributed in 2018 or 2019. Your web site is very informative. Not a true mahogany at all. But the common name aptly applies due to its obvious high density and/or hardnessprobably how it got the common name in the first place. Enjoy your fires! I have been using a cast iron Encore for 5 years without issue. Take care when working with Russian olive, as it has thorns that can cause injuries. Does anyone know which of these woods produces the least ash, Oak or Pine. It does get hotter than the Red Oak and leaves hot coals. Superb device . Any wisdom out there? Using Russian olive trees as firewood is a good way to consume unwanted trees, with a few caveats. Then there is Vine Maplesome of THE toughest wood I have ever encountered!!!! It is easy to split and burns great. Sustainability: This wood species is not listed in the CITES Appendices or on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Would it be possible to post the btu value of Monterey Pine? George, its a bit cooler up here in the lower Hudson Valley, and weve been burning in the 18th C. Dutch hearth since Hurricane Sandy. 10. Although the project is nearing its end, MSI is currently pursuing funding and looking to develop more partnerships in order to continue the work. Heat output Like many tree types, Magnolia's heat output varies depending on the species. by Lillie Nelson November 6, 2022 One perk of Russian olive: it burns hot. My husband and I have been cutting alot of Pinyon pine this yearit burns great!! I love this site. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Otherwise, you may, Read More The Ultimate Firewood Storage Guide For 2023Continue, The dogwood tree is a flowering deciduous that is native to the eastern parts of the United States, Europe, and eastern Asia. GOTTA CLIMB HIGH AND USE A POLE ELECTRIC CHAIN SAW,,,GITTING IT DONE BUT WILL IT BE GOOD FOR MY LOPA WOOD STOVE..APPRECIATE SOME ANSWERS. What is Russian olive wood good for? If its an old tree, the chances are high that splitting will be difficult. The tree, about 30ft tall,Read more . After the moisture evaporates the logs burn great . I have a Russian Olive that I cut down about 4 months ago and has been sitting in 100F weather for three weeks. Im also interested in getting photos of completed wood projectsespecially of obscure or lesser known woods. How Often Should I Remove Creosote From My fireplace? I have been told that gum trees and pine trees will clog up a chimmney If you burn coal, you are leaving a destiny of death and starvation for your descendents and mine! Ponderosa Pine, commonly used to heat homes in this area, burns at 21.7 British thermal units (BTU), which in simple terms, means it burns hot and long. Is this wood useable for smoking in a pit style smoker? and keep the bedroom doors about a foot from closed to save heat. As has been said, quite unpleasant. I live in the midwest southern iowa have burned firewood for most of my life,and have discovered that different woodstove set ups heat better using different wood. We burn mostly old-growth sugar maple w some white ash, black cherry, beech and black maple thrown in. This is russian olive. What Are The Varieties Of Russian Olive Wood? A few other elders like black locust . I live in eastern oregon and my main problem is the identification of trees. Dogwood, apple and the smaller trees burn good but are only for small fires (late spring or early fall when you dont want a fire to last all day) If you are serious about heating your home with wood just stick to these trees for the max in BTUs..they burn hot and clean. Allow 18-24 months of seasoning time for olive firewood. But it does burn off a substantial amount of ash. One perk of Russian olive: it burns hot. Around here it is just about the most common tree removed by tree services so lots of firewood guys sell it since they get it for free. The logs are quite heavy now, but still pretty green.