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Can anyone name one politician who is eligible to sit in parliament under section 44 of the constitution given that politicians past sold the governments bank the Commonwealth Bank of Australia to foreign entities, thus givng foreign ownership to the issue and control of this nations money? . Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2006. The demonstrations started when Vlad started shelling Kiev. As with many political leaders Putin will sometimes use anti-globalists rhetoric, but his relationships tell another story. expounds on the theatre of war.. Vatican City?! USA responds with sanctions. Once the knot was tightened, the economy would struggle and choke. But lets see how the maggots of MSM spin it. On setting the official exchange rate of the Belarusian ruble against the Russian ruble. United Kingdom: Bank of England. Just needing some clarification so I dont get fooled into thinking a building has been bombed or a military aeroplane has gone down just because I see some old footage on MSM or the twittersphere. The Story of the Commonwealth Wireless Service. And financed by Schiff, Warburg of the central banking cartel. The Fatal Discourse of Rabbi Reichhorns FuneralOration, 6. The Rothschild family banking . Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Invasion! The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank have been major players in the global financial landscape ever considering that their creation in 1944. Nothing will EVER isolate Russia. Because there is no such thing as a "Rothschild central bank." And conspiracy theorists apparently don't understand the different between a bank and a central bank. But will Russia sign a border treaty with Ukraine? Basically, David Rothschild was kicked out and the Russian central bank was nationalized, Indeed, one of these . The true power of the Rothschilds goes far beyond the banking empire: they are also . and how can sovereign States trust the UN? The conflict between the two countries was discussed at the session of the UN Security Council. Voice to force acceptance of massive land grabs by Aborigines and for compulsory rental payments by land owners objectnow! We know year by year whats going to happen and they know that we know. No.4. -North Korea. Fact Check: Did Zelenskyy ask young Americans to go to war against Russia? 9). This meeting featured the President pounding his fist on the table and vowing to destroy the New World Order, and according to a Kremlin source Putin is making great strides towards this goal. for the benefit of the State, the State which is of course now owned by the Rothschild family and administered by Jews. The Ukrainian President Zelensky exchanges his business suit for a Uniform too. Iran. Surprise surprise. These Jewish spies were, in age-old deceptive Ashkenazi Crypto-Jew tradition, given Russian names. Headline: Vladimir Putin warns Americans are in impending and grave danger as he accused the United States of lying over its nuclear capabilities and revealed Russia continues to develop new generation warfare. Calibrated half-measures are not sufficient to change the Kremlin calculus ,, The mouse kills the cat: Augusto Cesar Sandinos rebellion against the US The Story of the Commonwealth Fleet (of Steamers). Boston Areas of business. The US Federal Reserve is a privately owned company (controlled by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and Morgans) and prints the money for the US Government. Albania: Bank of Albania. Ask yourself how much crafted history colours your opinions. Despite efforts by the Rothschild-controlled Central Bank of Russia (hereafter referred to as CBR) and the use of dozens of billions of foreign exchange reserves - the value of the ruble against the dollar has, therefore ,declined by 39% during the past few years. On this basis, they can annul the elections of May 25, 2014 and do what the people want! 5. In 1880 Rothschild agents begin fomenting a series of pogroms predominately in Russia, but also in Poland, Bulgaria and Romania. Moscow 125009 A common set of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) priorities provides us with a clear focus in ensuring that sustainability is a strategic imperative across the entire group, across our operational impact, the products and services we offer, and . Bank of Russia raises macroprudential requirements for mortgage loans. He needs a good anti-corruption platform and some Christian Ukrainians with him who mean business about getting their country back. Rich Russian Sued Rothschild Bank in New York Claiming Fraud Over Oil backfire like coal gas in a mine in Qld and NSW. Mackay about to transform into a smart city raises ire of residents, NSW Premier Perrottet admits again mRNA jabs do not prevent virus transmission, Bombshell Report: Romanian Senator Diana Sosoaca says people had to die by premeditated earthquakes triggered in Turkey, Sydney gays terrified as Catholic men march onstreets, Thousands Of Vaxxed Canadian Children Dying Suddenly As MSM LooksAway. This is bollocks. Middle East stability alone depends on US-subsidized Ukrainian wheat exports. Complete List of Banks Owned or Controlled by the Rothschild Family FACT CHECK: Has Vladimir Putin Banned The Rothschild Banking Family FORGIVE US! These groups were sent to areas throughout Russia to incite riots and rebellion. Russia's Central Bank is Owned by the West's JEWS as Is the West After the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1992, it was renamed "Bank of Russia". Albania: Bank of Albania. March 24, 2022 Right now, Russia is in its typical early war muddle in Ukraine, which not so long ago was an integral part of the Soviet Union/Russia. The Ukrainians are reporting to the UN that Donbass is in flames. And no-one gets hurt. How does that make it a hoax? 18:24-27]. #Ukraine under attack. Russia's Great Bank Takeover - The American Interest Yeah, nah. Below is that list, which is important to study today to help you understand whether you live in a democracy, a republic, or under Communism, which is, of course, the control of the masses by Jewish interests. The Russian state depended on alcohol taxes to remain solventit is estimated that 40% of state revenues came from alcohol sales in 1860. . by Internationalist 360, The Expos US Navy veteran and independent journalist, Patrick Lancaster, has been making regular reports from Ukraine since the beginning of the crisis. The Rothschilds . Ukraine and Australia have much in common. There are only 3 countries in the world without a Rothschild-owned central bank: Cuba, North Korea and Iran. The more powerful, the less I trust them. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. It is a lie when the outside world says that we only tried to carry through our revisions by pressure. I like that there is more of this creative writing here, a bit like Real Raw News. Since ancient times we have been friends, brothers and neighbours; almost every family has relatives who live, and are Ukrainians. pp170-171, In 1980 the global phenomenon of privatisation increases dramatically. News. CNN . The corrupt thieves collective running Ukraine were put in power by George Soros and have banned all political opposition as all dictatorships do. In 1863. What if the hard men in Moscow get fed up watching hundreds of millions worth of US and British arms pour across the Polish-Ukraine border? . 1913 rothschild federal reserve. First peddled in the mid 19 th century, it's now nearly 200 years and the myth that . Co-head of Russia and CIS at Rothschild Inc., who handles central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States . Ambrose Evans-Pritchard The Telegraph 22 March 2022, Russia has not defaulted on its sovereign debt after all. I have no words. Doubt even he is that stupid so will likely stay put. Dubai throws open the doors for the rich Russians escaping sanctions In Putins first autobiography, titled First Person, he discusses with fondness his first encounter with New World Order globalist Henry Kissinger as a member of the FSB (formerly the KGB). This deep experience of Russian markets has resulted in, and is supported by, our track record in advising on many of the countrys largest, most complex, and precedent-setting transactions. How U.S. Companies Should Manage Expanded U.S. Sanctions on Russia and According to the CIS Treaty, the territory of Ukraine is an administrative district of the. .And so, in its desperation to somehow subdue Sandino and his gang of merry men and women, the US increasingly turned to the new form of warfare which it continues to wage today the aerial bombing of town and country. If he can stand up to Vlad, then he could offload a US crime syndicate. All rights reserved. Point 5 Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites. Source: Eric S. Margolis 2022 As I said, I trust nobody, and I know Putin has an accommodation with Israel. It can be bought online or in book stores in Russia and Ukraine for about 3 euros and proceeds from sales will go to a charity to help children in Russia and Ukraine who are suffering from cancer. We go to rallies against the war, our police beat us for it. Ukraine is Not a separate country It was not registered as such, it is a part of Russia, meaning Russia can enter at any time. Our services in Russia and the CIS There is no Iranian nuclear threat. It is required to document everything and sign treaties with all neighbouring states. Malachi, chapter 3 & 2:11., Genesis 38:1-10 who later intermarried with the children of Esau/Edom. China, the Rothschilds and the Global Rise of Communism If Your Time is short. DW News // February 21, 2022. Russian President Vladimir Putin was not responsible for the nationalization of the Russian centralized bank, which took place in 1917. The former heavy weight champion boxer is not behind a desk or hiding. Therefore, there might be more bullshit in the . According to Kelly and Laycocks book, the United States has invaded or fought in 84 of the 193 countries recognized by the United Nations and has been militarily involved with 191 of 193 a staggering 98 percent. Or a photoshoot opportunity. North Korea. How can you not understand that the world is being pulled in an irreversible direction? Iraq. Rothschilds kicked out of Russia and Japan as world revolution unfolds Rothschild & Co In-between time, he has written a book of fairy tales for his children. p68, In 1880 Rothschild agents begin fomenting a series of pogroms predominately in Russia, but also in Poland, Bulgaria and Romania. So here we are today and theyve placed their missile defense system in Romania always saying we must protect ourselves from the Iranian nuclear threat. Yes I know, they have. After a 70-year captivity, the Soviet Union began to collapse and break apart. The best way out of this dangerous mess would be partition into pro and anti-Russian zones. Answer (1 of 5): No the rothschilds were never in Russia they were based in frankfurt, Vienna, london, paris and Naples Frankfurt, vienna and Naples didnt survive ww2 and they have only just gotten their personal possessions back from there their paris branch was nationalised in the 80s the londo. The problem is that this paedophile ring consisted of 11 Jewish gangsters, and the Italian broadcast media had been so bold as to inform their more than 11 million viewers of such, and even go so far as to broadcast footage of these Jewish gangsters arrests! The Jewish Encyclopedia goes on to quote from the letter (960 A.D.) written by King Joseph of the Chazars to Hasdai ibn Shaprut, to the Jewish court doctor in Cordoba, Spain. These, along with Togarma himself, are the names prominent in Ezekiel 38 and 39, where we find them invading the land of Israel (Ezekiel 38:3, 6). I would attribute the fantasy of Russian opposition to a steady stream of propaganda and what I call the False East/West Paradigm The fraudulent notion that the globalist agenda is a purely Western or American agenda and that countries like China and Russia are opposed to it. p98, In March 1919, it is reported that the Rothschilds are angry with the Russians because they were not prepared to allow them to form a central bank within their nation. You are not forgotten, he writes, and I quote from his book, so that we might know the truth for those responsible for virtually all wars, revolutions, financial debacles, and social upheavals. Rothschild & Co. Has Office in Russia, Contrary to Conspiracy Claim on UK Express: (October 18, 2016) Modern Zionism is, in fact, the fulfillment of Ezekiel 38, 39. They must end their conflict before the rupture of Ukraines vital exports of wheat, other key grains, uranium and metals sends world trade into a tailspin., It shows its population was 23 million in 2017. The 1790 First Act / 2A Americans get the Ukrainians. Reply. Based on our research, we rate FALSE the claim that Putin has banned the Rothschild family from entering Russia. What aid Russia receives from the West goes straight to the Jewish banking cabal also. those were some very dark and dangerous days in 2016. To cite the example of Iraq again; the Iran-Iraq war of 1988 would fit into that plan. Sixty-three central banks and monetary authorities are currently members of the BIS and have rights of voting and representation at General Meetings: Bank of Algeria. The US Central Bank is under the control of the Rothschilds as the Russian Central Bank is. Venezuela: Central Bank of Venezuela. Thank you for the direction to Any interference will be seen as a measure against Russia. The nation owed $16.6 billion to the Rothschild-run International Monetary Fund while its foreign debt to the Rothschild-controlled Paris & London Club Of Creditors was over 36 billion dollars. February 24, 2022. Roman general Hyrcanus captured Edom/Idumea and its population was integrated into the Judean community around 126BC, Canaan: a son of Ham, [Genesis 10:6]., Cursed by Noah, [Genesis 9:20-26]., Idolatrous, [Deut. Koestler was a Jewish novelist and historian who was fascinated by his own ancestry as a Khazarian. Once they told me: We like very much your stories. GA , Global Advisory 800 Boylston Street . Russia has vetoed a vote at the UN Security Council condemning Russias invasion of Ukraine. The Instagram post appears to show a screengrab of an article with a . THATS A LIE. Something like our original Commonwealth Bank when it was under the governorship of Denison Miller. Hunter Biden was given a position on the board of Burisma, the gas company, so that he could receive $83,333 a month in an elaborate pay-off scheme. (Lol they sound absolutely petrified huh). Just as American and Canadian nationalists are concentrating on getting their governments back as governments of and by and for the people, Australians should do the same. -Libya. Pingback: White Hats Rising | Icliks Incoming. The white Christian people of America, the ones who created this nationCommunism is racial. They we real.. NOW we see the real reason for Bidens:s handlers wanting war with Russia. A racial minority seized control of Russia and in all her satellite countries, such as Poland, Czechoslovakia, and many other countries I could name. They hold a full house against their amateur playGas and Airspace to name but two. Putin leaves the Russian Dollar.This independence will make the ruble sovereign over 5 years - and replace Rothschilds central bank by a state central bank - and Communist governmentally steered economy. Togarma was the brother of Ashkenaz and the son of Gomer, the son of Japheth (Genesis 10:2, 3). Tunisia: Central Bank of Tunisia. Russian Central Bank Defends Its Independence After Surprise Rate Cut Purging Russia From the Evil Rothschild Money Changers )., You bet Kev, when the duopoly starts banging the CO2 drum during the election campaign it will spectacularly The parties have chosen to ignore the constitution. News. These pogroms result in the slaughter of thousands of Jews, causing approximately 2 million to flee, mainly to New York, but also to Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, and Los Angeles. The Kremlin is already sufficiently confident to reopen the Moscow stock exchange for bond transactions The ruble has not collapsed. And the fact that Trump didnt bother to rescind those changes, makes him suspect as well. Copyright 2022 D-FRAC. The level and extent of global governments corruption is totally terrifying. Why dont you write one?. Anybody who thinks this will stop in the Ukraine has no concept of the permanent, world-wide Revolution of the Fourth ComIntern. Trapped Central Banks Face Keynesian Endgame: "You Never Go Full-Krugman" WHEN PUTIN WAS ELECTED PRESIDENT of Russia in 2000, Russia was bankrupt. There's no evidence supporting the claim, which was first published in 2016 and has . Which country has invaded the most countries? The author explains how this spurred General Andrew Jackson--fed up with the central bank system and Nathan Rothschild's control of Congress--to enter politics and become president in 1828. However, some are assisted with Rothschild money to begin settling in Palestine. 1939: Hitler recognizes independent protectorates.