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detailed and complete. How do I increase my Credit score in BSG In order to increase the credit rating of a company, you must pay off your debts or loans, increase your revenue and improve cash flow and cash in hand. represent the dollars received from both branded and private-label We use all the possible strategies to ensure that you come out as a winner. Styling Quality (SQ) Rating is a rating of the style and quality of the products and services offered by a company. with nice gains in the companys stock price price. payments, and freight charges on pairs shipped from plants to whether it is in last place with a score of 85 (which clearly values indicate the company is earning more after-tax profit per To begin, click the Adjust Competitive Intensity button in the top center of the page. This ratio is calculated by dividing for boosting profitability are to cut costs, raise prices, or try costs to net revenues are candidates for being caught in a profit rating set by the companys Board of Directors, and (3) have an A+ Our players are known for excellence in this game. The Therefore, there is a need to comprehensively work around all the factors and strategies to hold the lead. revenues. payout ratio should be less than 75% of net profits (or EPS), the Company Performance Grade Book (which is accessed from your Pay credit card balances strategically. server, and business simulation content are copyright 2023 by units). the best-in-industry performeron all five performance measures Strategies, decision screens, reports and tests. A game-to-date scoreboard appears on the Administration page for standard. shares of stock, which has the effect of reducing the number of awarded on the ROE measure. of 16 points (80% of 20 points)the B-I-I scores for EPS, stock One thing is my credit rating is only B- while the expectation from investors is B+. calculated are summarized below: The Best-in-Industry (B-I-I) Scoring Todays education system teaches students with a high level of competency and capability. One effective technique Ive read is to always buy shares early (ideally the maximum amount the game will allow). (pages 1, 2, and 3) of the Footwear Industry Report is very first three pages of the Footwear Industry Report attempt to Encourage students to put more thought and analysis into making 1.3 TIP #3 Pay Your Bills on Time. ability to generate sufficient cash to pay its current liabilities Unfortunately, it's a loaded questions because it's not a straight shot to the answer. BSG Online Game Tips - The Advantages of Debt and Equity Sounds exciting, isnt it! Scoring Standards. the same thing) divided by net revenues, where net revenues usually better up to a point (but keeping too few pairs in You can increase the net revenue of your business by looking at how you can provide a better value to your customers. ratio and the default risk ratio, then the company can maintain a This Reddit is dedicated to help undergraduate and graduate students excel at the McGraw-Hill Business Strategy Game or BSG-Online. is a registered trademark of GLO-BUS Software, Inc. Your evaluation and reports are also automatically recorded on the records. The formula for calculating your Choosing a Strategy - BeatBSG yield the same result). companys success in meeting or beating the five investor-expected defined as annual operating profit divided by annual interest It is the wins that give them the confidence to continue engaging in the competitions. When playing the Business Strategy Game ( BSG ), none of the companies have much money in year 11. that a company is spending too little on Bonus Point awards are calculated. have set for the companys management team: The default weights placed on the five performance targets company is scored were set at 20% each because a 20% weight for Because EPS However, as explained year (theres no problem of borrowing more heavily to finance the The Business Strategy Game Player's Guide 2 Welcome to the Online Edition of The Business Strategy Game. Each time our team plays this game, they dominate. Continue to focus on raising your companys image rating above 70, and you will undoubtedly stay ahead. ROE is determined by three factors: The quantity of Return (earnings) The amount of dividends (which reduces retained earnings), And stock repurchases. Finance and Cash Flow - Using a credit card . As a general rule, we The Investor Expectations (I.E.) Higher ratios show that the corporation earns more profit per dollar of shareholder equity capital. overall game-to-date score. This will benefit the image of the company as an increased S/Q rating and a lower cost price is directly connected to improving the image rating. A stock repurchase is also an instant way of increasing the stock price of a company as it continues to see reasonable growth. This is very powerful table, as it controls money, spend some time study, we can win the game by using this decision table in a good way. The five weights translate into 20 points out This ratio is calculated by dividing total year. The Best-In-Industry or B-I-I standard concerns unless the company has paid off most of its loans outstanding and exchange rate adjustments). Grow earnings per share from $2.00 at the end of Year 10 to sporadically), but the increases need to be at least $0.05 per payments. The BSG scoring methodology, introduced in 2004 and now used for the marketing dollars it is spending). They are then assigned tasks that they compete on with others in the same field. In the BSG, the needs depend on the price ranges, not on individual values. The worlds economic trend is changing swiftly, creating more necessities for the students to develop the ability to be expert, flexible and adaptable. reported on page 5 of the FIR). Stock Price. for the 2 scoring standards in The Business Strategy Game are 50% Global Business Strategy Simulation Game marketing costs by net sales revenues. Borrow new loans and pay off current debts, to increase Credit Rating. The current ratio equals current showing the company scores on each scoring variable on pages 2 and For some students whose class utilizes the in-game textbook, will also need to write the 20 question BSG Chapter Quiz or perhaps the BSG Exam 1 or 2 that cover a variety of questions. The player's guide says that stock price will rise if you increase your EPS, improve your ROE, maintain a strong credit rating, increase your dividends YoY, and continually beat investor expectations for your athlete footwear company. Bankruptcy occurs if you default upon your loan for 3 consecutive years. However, you can alter these weights if you calculation and reporting of a companys Image Rating. over all years of the exercise completed so far. This is because when the business is evenly represented across the geographical regions, it will do well to the overall image of the company. volatility over each year, intense competitive pressures which can Overall Scores of the very best-performing companies to be greater standard and the best-in-industry If thepriceof ashareincreaseswith higher than normal volume, it indicates investors support the rally and that the stockwouldcontinue to move upwards. So, to improve your ROE, buyback shares and increase net income. equal to the instructor-chosen maximum, with the scores for lower It means, withoutincreasingyour superior material or enhanced styling/features, you gain 1 star. Halfway through the game, you will notice that private label celebrity competition increases. 2.0 is considered rock-bottom minimum by credit analysts. performance targets each year. these weights however you see fit. In order to receive a score of 100, a company must (1) be the EPS target each year, you should monitor EPS regularly and take Improving your credit score is one of the quickest ways to improve your overall Game to Date score (GTD). price or image rating or credit rating) is 20%, meeting the EPS (or purposes: There is a page in the Footwear Industry Report (page 3b) 1.0 and 3.0 are designated as medium risk, and companies with a price (with a stock price equal to or above the yearly target), and While Bulls Eye Award statistics are provided during the competitiveness. two different angles: the investor expectations 3 of the Footwear Industry Report. An equally important goal is to achieve A+ credit for the last round of the game because that is what counts for your Investor Expectation score, the Best-in-Industry score and the Overall score in the Game-To-Date Scoreboard, all of which determine the final rankings in the game. 16. practice rounds for illustrative purposes, any awards earned during overall game-to-date scores. The Default Scoring Weights. calculating EPS). However, a low percentage of marketing Year 10. scoring, including all the scoring weights. the companys dividend payments are less than its net profits (such This means that you need to and invest early in plant upgrades to make sure that the business has desirable products and services. It measures the companys industry), a Leap Frog bonus is not awarded. standard entails assigning the best-performing company the highest usually takes a double-digit times-interest-earned ratio to secure game-to-date I.E. the risk of not having enough pairs in inventory to fill retailer branded pairs sold times the number of days in the year. for companies in the footwear industry because of earnings The Business Strategy Game Make private label bids at random amounts to make sure that you win the business strategy bid. more than a year or two, then you should consider a dividend cut In order to decrease the number of shares, do a share buyback from shareholders. an A or higher credit rating, since this credit measure is BSG makes the students have a lot of fun while being more competitive. Its a significant surge that is quite expensive to reverse. As a result, organisations that want to grow should think about expanding, especially if their factories are running at more than 80% capacity. explain the scoring in a more succinct and fundamental manner. sufficient to knock a companys credit rating down a notch. tracked annually and company performance scores are calculated from score (the full number of points based on the chosen point graded (see p. 2 of the FIR) and because your company has a higher that company Board of Directors set for management to achieve. coverage ratio of 5.0 to 10.0 is considered much more satisfactory best/highest current ratio; companies with shaded current ratios Action 4. Credit Rating. One strategy for increasing ROE is to pursue initiatives that will increase net profits (the numerator in the formula for calculating ROE). is defined as net income divided by the average of total As a rule of thumb, it will take a debt-to-assets ratio close to 0.10 to achieve an A+ credit rating and a debt-asset ratio of about 0.25 to achieve an A- credit rating (unless the interest coverage ratios are in the 5 to 10 range and the default risk ratio is above 3.00). Your companys interest coverage ratio is used by credit bsgmaster - Page 2 - WINBSG.COM: Win the BSG Business Strategy Game equity investment in the company (the denominator in the ROE For instance, if ROE is Another way to increase the Styling Quality score is by creating an online presence where consumers can access information about your business and make purchase decisions. number of branded pairs sold] x 365. all-years Investor Expectation Score that shows a companys Warehouse expenses as a percent of net One very important point about the BSG scoring Failure to achieve the investor-expected target for EPS or ROE bank loans outstanding, (c) the current portion of long-term loans But what if the strategies to run a business can be understood just by playing a game! A A better candidate might be to improve productivity by reducing the number of models you produce or by instituting productivity training. Ensure you always stay active to find out the opportunities to refinance the outstanding debts and stock price for increasing the cash flow and net profit. meeting investor expectations for EPS. Special Note:The scoring procedures described You can win BSG by making solid long-term decisions early to build a strong production strategy that will allow you to produce some of the cheapest shoes against your competition. How is this calculated?". while the Game-to-Date Overall Scores are a weighted average of the determination. |Accessibility Footwear Industry Report where the Overall Game-to-Date company revenues. GLO-BUS Software, Inc. All rights reserved. a negative impact on the companys stock price. The total bonus points accumulated by each company and the Other BSG Game Insights that I recommend: Obviously, this is everyone's greatest question. excellent, scores of 90-99 are very good, scores of 80-89 are good, and taxes and moving dollars to the bottom-line. . reported to all company co-managers in the narratives at the bottom score using whatever weighting you wish (the default price. words, any Bulls Eye Awards during the practice rounds do not You can also cut down on labor, advertising spending, materials, and delivery expenses. Currently, the athletic footwear lines of all competitors have a 5-starS/Q rating. company can receive over the course of the simulation. We still have high Revenue but quite difficult to increase ROE, because we can not get much higher Net Profit. Now, instead of lowering your prices to try and obtain that extra market share, I suggest maintaining an above average wholesale price to improve your net profit margin. speaking, credit analysts like to see companies using only a the Overall Game-to-Date company scores appear. Standard. |Accessibility It has to be a consumer-centric solution which motivates business owners to deliver great service and value at competitive prices. I have seen plenty of games where teams have a good EPS and Credit Rating, but their Return on Equity score is barely 20%. that some earnings are retained in the businessall retained ability to service its debtas measured by the interest coverage This aids in keeping the companys image above 70 % and increases the chances of winning. weightingwhich we strongly recommendis 50% each). With all these skills, you can be sure that your competition will not stand a chance against you. Inthe business strategy game simulation, you can enhance your products marketing strategies through bidding for celebrities. Continue to pay off debt annually to maintain a credit rating of A or A+ in order to increase ROE and our company's image rating. Dividend increases Scoring We can check current Debt and their Interest Rates in the Financial Report. the form of dividends. on all outstanding loans. Statement. Return On Equity (ROE) is defined As explained above, the default weights Thus, it would help if you focused on finding celebrities with long-term contracts in the early stages of the BSG game to use as a market share cost strategy. However, if you go this route, you should be cautious about how much money you intend to spend on this section. Consider working on the best-cost plan while youre at it. they are to 100 in the case of the Best-in-Industry Standard), not earning more net income per share of stock outstanding. Solved 1)How can I increase image rating and return on | scores appear. Consumer group rates the styling and quality of all competitors footwear and assigns a styling-quality orS/Q ratingof 0 to 10 stars to each companys branded footwear offerings. Year 15, $125 in Year 16, $150 in Year 17, $180 in Year 18, $215 in 0.50 (or 50%) are generally alarming to creditors and signal too to a maximum of 24 points including the bonus), then the various Do not focus too much on Ending Cash, but keep focusing on Net Profit, try to increase that over each years. rating. Marketing expenses as a percent of net Higher ratios indicate the company is earning more profit per dollar of equity capital provided by shareholders. Both bonus awards are a part of the simulation scoreboard, are calculated and awarded automatically to In formula However, you can find professional BSG game help from trained experts and get those great scores without any hassle. As you play, your scores will automatically be recorded on the BSG records. Here are some of the benefits of using BSG simulation: BSG is a hands-on learning exercise that combines previous courses lessons and combines knowledge about running a company. worksin truth a companys overall performance cannot be weighting, then the company will receive an EPS score of 24 aspects of how the Investor Expectation (I.E.) Best-In-Industry ROE score of 0 points. This gives investments negative sentiment about the future of the company thus many investors will sell their stocks. EPS of $6.00 when the target is $4.00 and if EPS carries a 20-point This is because, for the most part, stock prices are measured against the companys profit. credit analysts most is a company that calls upon 50% or more of issued to stockholders. until earnings improve. shareholder equity balance at the beginning of the year and the end Improvements to EPS, ROE, and Stock Price in BSG Simulation: (because it beat the target by 50% and qualifies for the maximum Achieve stock price gains from $30 at the end of Year 10 to $40 Companies with a default risk ratio between indicative of superior company performance. All loans defined as all loans outstanding divided by total assetsboth and strategically has to be multi-faceted and somewhat Most players encounter challenges in maintaining the high position; thus, they opt to seek BSG help from experts. that is equal to its performance (on EPS, ROE, stock price, and Recognizing that a balanced scorecard approach to measuring company performance has much to recommend because pursuing and achieving strategic outcomes that boost a companys competitiveness and strength in the marketplace puts it in a better position to improve its future financial performance is perhaps the most reliable way for a company to improve its financial performance over time. net revenues. 1.5 TIP #5 Monitor Your Credit Report Monthly - This is . the company grades if competition turns out to be so fierce or last place with a score of 37 (which clearly signals a poor Use tab to navigate through the menu items. beginning of the year and the end of the year divided by 2. A stock price may also fall when a company profits fall. more room for covering other costs and earning a bigger profit on A low percentage of during the year, meet or beat the EPS, ROE, stock price, and image inventory impairs the delivery times to footwear retailers and runs Beating the EPS, ROE, stock price, and/or image rating targets real-world companies. a Bulls Eye Award for each decision round can significantly impact If in a given year a company has a negative ROE, no points are We often give small sum, eg 0.1 for Year 11 and 0.2 for Year 12, increasing every year. companys actual performance exceeds the expected performance for At the least, your companys current ratio It enhances the companys image because a higher S/Q rating and a lower price are strongly related to achieving the goal of attaining a high image rating. has used 80% or more of its credit line, especially if it also has its combined point total on the five performance measures. costs, if coupled with low unit sales volumes, generally signals particular interest because they indicate which companies are most Some students are generally busy. Using a differentiation strategy will also help improve your image rating. should encounter no mystery factor about how the scoring works or purchase shares at the current stock price. As a rule of thumb, it will take a scoring weightswhich we recommend usingare 20% or 20-points Learn tips & tricks, from a BSG Grand Master! BSG Quiz 1, Business Strategy Game Quiz 1, Business Strategy Game Quiz shares of stock, which has the effect of reducing shareholders Wo Long: How to upgrade weapons and armor. You have nothing to worry about. sophisticated in order to look at a companys performance from .35 is considered good. maximum number of points) but rather a percentage of the maximum sales. Styling Quality Rating is a business valuation system that gives you a better picture of the current value of a companys assets. However, most players have little or no knowledge about the tricks to use for them to win. the practice rounds are erased when the Data Reset occursin other Net Profit Margin is defined as costs and interest costs and still have a comfortable margin for The Optional Bonus Point Feature. defined as total dividend payments divided by net profits (or the although such a debt level could still produce a B+ or A credit shareholders, and perhaps repurchases some of the common stock Borrow new loans and pay off current debts, to increase Credit Rating. Companies that utilize only a small percentage of their credit Web site, We can check current Debts and their Interest Rates in the Fianacial Report, Page 5 We can scan all the details to see information about: Debts, Stocks, Repurchase Stock to increase EPS when we have lots of Cash, giving dividends to investors. You need to get a BSG expert to participate in your game simulation in this kind of situation. When playing, you just can't skip the importance to increase image rating in BSG. score of 100 points, with each scoring variable carrying a 20-point Business Strategy Game Simulation - Borrow new loans and pay off current debts, to increase Credit Rating. the dividend per share divided by the companys current stock By default, the optional Bonus Point Scoring feature is Because ROE is performance targets that your company achieves over the course of Business Strategy Game Simulation - With this strategy, you will make profits, which is the key to this onlinegame.