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She was apparently completely unsurprised to see him use his powers, and because of her lifetime of hard experience began to tell him many of the hard truths about the world. In a last-ditch effort to understand humanity, The Beyonder constructs a machine that will strip him of his powers and make him mortal. Unsure of the morality of such an act, he decided to put the Beyonder through the same experiences he had when he was a drunk, showing him the seediness of alcoholism, the enlightenment of the Ancient One, and the treachery of Baron Mordo, when Mordo originally tried to kill the Ancient One. Beyonder (Pre-Retcon) | VS Battles Wiki | Fandom The Beyonder would often return to their apartment to discuss his recent experiences and philosophical quandries. Fantastic, inform Spider-Man and the Lizard that they were flying in a hovercraft at low altitudes to avoid being detected. As long as you have a power that has a Binary counterpart, you can instantly use both powers at the same level, such as Fire and Water, Light and Darkness etc" "Boundary Master (UNIQUE DIVINITY) :- Become the Gaurdian that resides between the fabrics of what is real and what is false, between what is true and what is fiction, between life and death, between any Boundary that separates anything . All traits of a character are used for calculating the Classification. He told the Beyonder to bring back Death, but the Beyonder said that the only way to do it would be if someone agreed to die and become the new Death. [14] Contents 1 History 1.1 Origins 1.2 Destruction of the Seventh Cosmos It also is problematic in relation to Molecule Man, since before this their origins were tied. It was then revealed that Pym was correct and the entire experiment was being conducted by the Stranger under the guise of the Beyonder. To study the effects of the desire for revenge, the Beyonder transformed Thor's enemy, the Dark Elf Algrim into the powerful menace Kurse. He called the Guardians of the Galaxy to him, but it was too late. Lost in reflection, The Beyonder walks off into the night, contemplating life, death, and meaning. Once again Dave intervened, and said that they were just looking at things from the perspective of unfeeling concepts, and that Death was most important to living things like him. After a fight with the Fantastic Four, he revealed that his mind was actually inhabiting the body of a random stranger, Norm McArthur. The Beyonder encountered "Norman" and sent Doom back in time to the first Secret War to fix the paradox but without the memories of Doom's time as Norman. Secret Wars II expands on Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars in every way possible. The Beyonder accepts. The purpose of their experiment was to eventually kill all of the Molecule Men at the same time, bringing an end to the multiverse. The Beyonders are what Doctor Doom calls "linear beings". Strange was protecting the area with a mystic shield, and the Beyonder was pounding on it, trying to get in. He would fight against problems big and small, from muggers to tidal waves to cosmic forces like those of Mephisto. He is Superman, the man of steel, and the world's greatest superhero. Since he was still somewhat naive, and often intentionally limited his awareness of the world in order to experience things more like a true human would, they were able to draw him into their tenement, telling him that they could provide him with true happiness through their drug. The Beyonder told him his story, and Vinnie, believing him, sensed a business opportunity in his apparent lack of understanding of our world. This itself was later retconned by Jonathan Hickman, who established that the Beyonder was actually a child unit of the Beyonders. Beyonder demonstrates his abilities by splitting the Hulk and Bruce Banner apart before sending them to the other parts of Battleworld. 10 Greatest Marvel Villains Who Draw Power From Alternate Dimensions [30], The Beyonder went to a South Seas island to contemplate. But even the man of steel has his weaknesses. This explains his different personality and moral character, why his power level is so different, and why he is so obsessed with Havok. He was glad that she made him realize he wasn't ready to take the easy way out and quit like her friends had. By the time Mephisto planned to drop his contract with Thing, nearly all of the Legion Accursed were defeated. Pym demanded that the Stranger stop these experiments and when he declined, it was revealed Pym hadn't killed any of the others and had merely shrunk them down. He was simply being far too artificial in his approach, and didn't understand. The Beyonder's curiosity about our plane and planet continued, and eventually decided he wanted to know more. Demons from Limbo attacked. [35], Kosmos chose to present as female due to believing that her previous psychological deficits were due to the Beyonder presenting as male. Reece had been distraught, but had eventually come to terms with everything, and now felt stronger than ever. As he is about to wipe them out,Thing grabs the elemental spiltter and fires it at Doom. The future Molecule Man is too weak to absorb its full power. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. And yet the Beyonder was once again unhurt. ", The Beyonder modelled his "human" body after, His hair is seemingly only superficially black. They often hire aliens from our universe to do their work for them. But the bigger the difference in Class is, the more obvious it is who'll win in a fight. They told the Beyonder not to grant Doom's wish, but he didn't listen, since he thought himself far above them in power and station. Back in San Francisco, Rachel was only more determined to kill the Beyonder, and she still retained the power he had given her. After liberating Marsha, he decided it was just a phase and didn't bother to interfere further. The Molecule Man, however, convinced the Beyonder that existence was meaningless without death, and so the Beyonder brought Death back into existence by using his power to kill the reporter Dave, who willingly sacrificed his life. The heroes attacked, and Doom, frustrated, let loose an enormous bolt of power that nearly destroyed all of reality. Reed reasoned that if the Beyonder killed Doom, instead of sending him back in time, he would destroy the continuum of history, and perhaps not even the Beyonder could survive that. The Beyonder is almost omniscient and omnipotent, capable of altering the fabric of reality to his will. The Beyonder offered to do all of this as well, but then they began to worry about unforeseen consequences. [4][12] While still a child,[3] the older Beyonders began their grand experiment where they transformed Owen Reece into the Molecule Man;[2] this "accident" poked a hole into the Beyonder's universe. Unable to answer or even counter the questions posed by Loki, Those Who Sit Above in Shadows fled. He gave the cup to Death, and she drank it. As she was being held there, she was revered but rarely seen. When he returned, Dazzler was leaving. He killed Karma by reflecting her power back at her. She returned to the Defenders' compound and attacked them again. The Beyonder then vanished, and the participants in the "secret war" returned to the various places from which they had been transported. The two space stations were then sent down to the planet Battleworld. At first he was ecstatic, but he eventually realized that his sight was so precious that he might lose his sense of integrity in order to keep it, so he asked the Beyonder to take it back and take them off the case, which the Beyonder then did. The Cubes are immensely powerful and can fulfill the wishes of their owners. Xavier also deduced the apparent secret behind the Beyonder's seemingly godlike abilities, which was that the Beyonder was not only an Inhuman but also a mutant, and the exposure of his mutant genes to Terrigen Mists had created an unprecedented power. Until this be gained we can never know, we can not even prophesy the capacity and power of women for the uplifting of humanity.Susan B. Anthony (18201906). In this issue, a younger, less-experienced Deadpool is hired by the Kingpin to kill the Beyonder. Contents 1 Biography 2 Background 2.1 In the Comics 3 External Links Biography In one reality, there are two Spider-Men. [5] He eventually regained his power as the Molecule Man but damaged his relationship with Marsha. The heroes and villains found bases, and began a long series of skirmishes. In this illusion, the Beyonder tried to stop Mordo, just as Dr. She begged him to stop, and said she never loved Reece. Despite their vast powers and knowledge, they seem unable to travel forward or backward in time. RELATED: When Did the Molecule Man's Personality Change So Dramatically? The One-Above-All's powers and abilities The One-Above-All is Omnipotent (All Powerful), Omniscient (All Knowing), and Omnipresent (Everywhere). Finally, a rift opened in space-time, from which poured a blinding light, and the passengers within the constructs heard a voice telling them, "I am from beyond! The Beyonder then appeared, and gave her what she asked for, then left. For the book by Brandon Mull, see, Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Update '89,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 23 February 2023, at 06:33. At one point when he wanted to die, he was going to let the Thing kill him (or at least his body) by intentionally not healing himself. In order to stall them, he sent the New Mutants to attack them. Impressed, the Beyonder kept his word and allowed existence to continue for another day. The Fallen One finds the lifeless form of the Maker in the rubble, confirming the Beyonder's freedom. They then left to try to stop the wave permanently. [13] Their power would then be transferred over to Reed Richards, who used it to recreate the Multiverse in its eight iteration. Reece was annoyed, and didn't want to talk to Uatu, but Marsha did. All that Phoenix experienced--the totality of life, in all its forms, in all its infinite glory--is now his." He was then (not surprisingly) immediately confronted again by the vengeful Mephisto. However, the immediate effect was that Galactus sensed the Beyonder's power, and desired it, for he could tell that it would be able to take away his hunger to destroy worlds. Around this time he also started exploring what Marvel was then calling the "multiverse": all the dimensions outside of the normal universe, such as Asgard, Mephisto's realm, the Microverse, the Dark Dimension, and eventually the Crossroads, a nexus of realities. Reality Warping: In all of his versions, The Beyonder has the general ability to manipulate reality [45] on a virtually infinite scale. The Beyonder then explained that his only intention was to do good, and that to him, nothing was impossible to accomplish. They set up a situation where Spider-Man found out about a planned hit on the Kingpin--something he couldn't let happen, given his morality. RELATED: Which Secret Wars Should The MCU Adapt for Film? He was first properly depicted by Al Milgrom in Secret Wars II #1. Confused once again; the Beyonder left. The machine was then to rapidly age his infant form into an adult and release him. She is saved by Spider-Man and Captain America, this allows the villians to escape. This Cube, as with the other Cosmic Cubes, continued to develop its own powers and self-awareness. If the mutant Inhuman origin is true, then how do we interpret the several issues dedicated to the Cosmic Cube origin of the Beyonder? He slaughtered most of the New Mutants and did battle with the Avengers and Rachel Summers, a.k.a. He wanted to erase everything so that he would no longer be reminded of the things that frustrated him so much. Seeing Kubik's love for Kosmos, the Molecule Man reverted back to Owen Reece and restored Kosmos. Strange and Havok teleport away, and the Beyonder finds Dracula. At that exact moment, something strange occurred: Professor X sensed a strong presence nearby, which was mutant in nature. This accident was of such importance for all of existence that it pierced through from our universe to "his," creating a pinhole through which he could peer through. Where he encounters some of the most powerful heroes and villains. He gave Frank the services of a room of prostitutes (making Toots jealous), and over the course of weeks taught him all of the everyday conventions and information that he needed to know to really understand normal life on Earth. Eventually, they decided to bring Adams' parents back, feeling that that such a thing could not be wrong. They would have a contest to see if humanity deserved life. Then, when Doom was struggling to control it during a battle with Captain America, the Beyonder left Klaw's body and reclaimed his full power. Galactus was left in a coma, and Doom gained Galactus' god-like powers, becoming largely omniscient and omnipotent. Meanwhile, the Beyonder managed to come into our universe as a small spark of light. For most of his lineage, The Beyonder acts as an omnipotent being who exists apart from space and time. Iron Man's suit later ran out of power, the Lizard states he can fix this within one hour. Now Galactus emits life all around, as opposed to consuming it. Macchio shot at the Beyonder, but Muramoto jumped in the way, dying. Their attack apparently failed and as a result the number of universes was reduced from thousands to barely more than two dozen. Dr. Doom arrives and claims that he only wants Ben and his subjects to be happy; he calls his new kingdom New Latveria. When he decided to do this, the other cosmic forces like Mephisto immediately felt great fear at the way this would upset the existing order of the universe. Created by Jim Shooter and Mike Zeck in 1984's Secret Wars #1, the Beyonder can shape reality, regenerate on a cellular level and change into any form. They traveled across the universe as observerers, and as they came to Earth they learned many new concepts,the most interesting were the concepts of good and evil.