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The locusts are roaming in the farm, press the action button or enter when you confront any of them and fight them. Return to the nurse. Keep moving till you reach a small lair marked as Rach Narch Bargh. Go into the cave and follow the path till you find a chest. You can choose to play or skip introduction. This goodie is included in the later part of the game and need not be downloaded. Now make Rhen wear her ball gown from the inventory. Explore this area. He will give you a quest in return to reveal whom they are working for. Help plzs. The house beside the old woman has a book page lying on the ground in the inner room. Dig the spot to find a star orb for Lars. to trigegr this quest you must have already been to the thieves cave sotuh of sedona. Nick here. Make Lars attack him physically (only if the water orb is equipped). In Aveyond Rhen's Quest where is the shovel so that I can dig in the spots that it says I need a shovel. Heal up and save before you face Saurva, the fifth boss. Ean's best friend Iya suddenly disappears, and his . Cross it to the other side and enter the shrine. Follow the passage, it leads straightaway to another door. Get back one screen and Walk to your south-western path now. Fight monsters and explore a medieval world in this console-style RPG. Take the Hinds harp and exit the cave. Enter another cave inside this one and open the chest to retrieve a haunch. The enemies are very strong here, use dizzy doll or sleep flute or your entire team may get wiped out at a go. The other goodies are: All Guilds-Use this goodie to get all Guild Spellbooks for Lars. But there is no reward for it. Talk to Rona again and she will ask you get Lars clothes done by the seamstress. Return to the Thais again and marry off some more characters (you will need the wedding rings for that). 2. Give him 20 gold pennies and he will take you to the northern isle. Aveyond: Rhen's Quest (PC) Where do I find the shovel? Go to the lowlands. Make Lars wear the cloak of undying loyalty and then fight it. Buy as many healing and regenerative items as possible, heal up and save before you go to the Stronghold temple (inside demon caves of southern isle desert). Now exit via point 9 in the map Y. Enter the cave he takes you to and collect the sleeping dust. I wander these walls, transparent and lost, what am I? You can use it for only one of them. Leveling up would help you fight difficult bosses with ease. Our Aveyond 2 Walkthrough contains everything you need in order to play this unforgettable adventure game. The fairies with you will join the others there and the prince will give you fairy dust in return. Size: 3.4MB. Get out of the mushroom and walk up a little to find a peculiar looking machine. Go to the sign post past the tavern and this time take the north-western path till you reach a barricaded gate. Go to Lands End to Eldredth, the old woman who planted your bean seeds in the enchanted garden. Maps-If you need help finding things, you can use these maps, which were created by tiniponi. Return to the cave entrance (4b in the map) and Walk to your right this time. Enter the cavern and open the chest to get 100 gold pennies. You can talk to Danny in Sedona beach. Now go to the cave in southern isles where you saw the dragon. walkthrough are from the official Aveyond website and credits go to Amanda (Amaranth) who captured the maps and tiniponi* (Aveyond Admin) who added landmarks to the maps. Climb back and then go down the longer ladder beside this one. Walk to your north this time. Open the necromancer book to find if Lars can learn any new spell (if youve registered in that guild). Enter the ladder beside it to find another chest containing skull rapier. heal), change character equipments, check who is in your party, choose a party leader or see the character profiles to find out how much experience they need in fighting to achieve the next level. The rightmost coffin in the second row reveals a secret passage. Aveyond 1, Rhen's Quest Build B Walkthrough - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. If no one has an answer while you're on, head over to Reddit to ask. Buy 90 of each item from the item shop if youve collected enough cash from the cash cow (dont buy 99 as you may get these items from chests, so the ones you bought will be wasted as there can be only 99 number of each items in your inventory). Talk to Wilbert, he will give you a quest (side quest no.21). Cross the bridge to enter Mystery manor. You will need a dragon rider. Levels-Use this goodie to give all active party members a 30 level increase. gameboyman56. Gate Sends 1 enemy through the demon gate, TAKING TALIA TO THE SUN SHRINE IN AVEYOND. Now go to the tavern in Wild wood, there are many things to do. Buy the hand held mirror, bird cage and the priestess ring from the shop with the key mark. I will not mention places which are easy to locate (e.g the palace, any person in the village, etc.). Exit the cave to the other side and climb up the ladder beside you. Fight the toad and get her back to the fairy prince in memory caverns. Talk to the man with a back pack and sell the vampire corpses. Together with a few allies, your character must face terrible foes on a regular basis, as well as meet fascinating people and help them with their problems. Talk to him about news. We need to find him a wife to get the row boat (side quest no.13). You will also find two men standing there, they were sent by goodwife Lonna of Brumwich. You will find two skudder parking points here, one will lead to a dragon and the other leads to the desert. Talk to the one on the left, she will trigger a quest (side quest no.42). We will enter the desert first. Now return to the entrance of Dreamland and follow the white arrow. The cloak of invisibility is what the name suggests, makes you invisible to the ordinary enemy. Become a hermit- Rhen will spend the rest of your life in wildwoods and nobody will ever hear of you again. Go outside and enter the hole in the grave. Go all the way north from Rhens dads house and locate the herbalist in the last house of the topmost part of the village. There you will find a chest containing bronze rod. Take the passage to your left and get a chest containing 100 gold pennies. Now explore the desert area to discover 3 more chests; they contain 1 covey balm, 350 pennies and skull helmet. You have to be fast and walk in the passage when the ball is moving away from you. Walk to your east till you see another ladder. Report DMCA. Refer the screenshot to find your way to the next area: The next area has chest locations marked with white circles. In Ghedahre, go to the house where the vampress was looking for a ghost to haunt her house. If he changes his armor, the creature will disappear from your party. You can also come back later to learn them instead of learning them now. Exit through the door shown in the screenshot: Heal up and save before talking to the old man. Make sure that you use the necromancer spell book from time to time to make Lars learn new spells after he levels up. Wilderness Goodies: There are also some game goodies to be found from the wilderness. 17). Follow the purple colored path to find the way to Thais. The game starts with a cutscene. You can use any one of these, so I would recommend using the God goodie (since it includes everything). Welcome to Halloween hills. Go to Veldarah, talk to the old woman who sold boat location spell. Here go directly to your east and enter the cave first. There is a blue chest in inner room of the palace; the chest is locked, so you can come back later when you know how to open them. Enter the place. Change to your new outfit. He seeks to do this by using his demonic allies to capture the druids who can unlock the Sword of Shadows and by sending Dameon to enlist Rhen's trust. Then continue walking from where you left off. So choose what you want to become of Rhen at the end. Talk to her and take her in your friend party, and set off for the wilderness. Reach out for the glow berries and pluck them. Now we shall explore the desert area. The answers to the puzzles are-. It contains haunch. Exit, collect 50 pennies from the chest and then enter the cave to your right. Return to the ladder and enter the cave; exit from the other end. He is pirate john. You will land up at point 7 of map Y. You are given the task to find the druids and save the world from Ahriman, this is your main quest. It works fine that way). It is a mule express and it can take you to places where you have visited at least once. That way you will not only enjoy the game and its story but also will get to find everything you missed the first time when you played it. About This wiki is dedicated to the Aveyond series, a series of RPG Maker games developed by Aveyond Studios. You will get a spell book which Lars needs to learn from as and when he levels up. Sword of Might - Southern isle, Demon caves, in a chest Sword of Dreams - The dreamworld, head west after entering, its in a chest in a cave. Mobile walkthrough of Aveyond First game in RPG series. Talk to him and watch the events. I personally recommend playing the game first without the walkthrough and after having played it once, replay it using the walkthrough. Now go to Clearwater. Enter it and go to your right. Pick up the 85 pennies from the chest on your way. You can collect 4 flowers from there and the last one can be found here: walk up to the cave which you ignored before and enter it. None of the thieves will talk to you, but your visit at this place will trigger another event at the Sedona palace. Wander down the stairs and you will find a red haired guy standing in front of the cave. The trick is: 1) Equip Lars with the Cloak of Invisibility. You can apply this skill during fights and see which creatures can be enslaved with the cloak of undying loyalty. Buy the antidote for 30 gold pennies and return to the boar. Popular Latest Unanswered Top Questions Where can I find a bottle to capture a fairy with? The other walls will not yield any hi-fi item so I would recommend giving the statue to the elves. Go to the thieves hideout again. The art dealer Frederick will give you a quest (side quest no.28). Talk to the ghost boy wandering around, he has nowhere to go. She will give you an empty cask of ale. For the time being, return to the entrance of the cave where you found the bone. For the time being you can talk to the fairy prince and the little girl-tiny. The treasure room has 5 emerald, two sapphires, one golden armor and a battle axe. What Ill do is put up the screenshots of where you should go and from which place. Proceed inside and explore the region. Collect the other items from the area which you couldnt collect before (example chest, book page, etc). Equip the ice amulets. : Enter it to get a chest containing auquifolium extora. This time take the right passage. The Climbing Guide will help you fetch the cloak of undying loyalty, which allows you to steal the souls of monsters (which shows in the creature tab in the lower right of your game menu screen) thus increasing your partys strength. . You will also find another quest in your list which had been triggered by the kidnapping event. Exit his house and enter the squirrels hideout. There are three passage ways there-enter the one to your right to get the bee wax. Enter the unlocked door passage. Follow the previous guide to the Ogres Lair when we were hunting for the first boss. How do you open the blue and gold chests? On to the next area: Cross the bridge to your left and climb up the ladder then after. From there go south and you will see two caves on both sides. From there go to Tea cup town. Give the stinkrot root to Gretchen. Explore this area, you will find a toad and a blue chest. You can talk to Talia for more information. She will ask you to bring back her ruby slippers. The journal is very helpful as it reminds you of what needs to be done next. First we need to go to the Dream castle. Dont worry about the demon inside-Agas, he wont harm you unless you talk to him. Get it in Aveyond. The enemies re-spawn here except for the main enemies (to be referred as boss from now onwards), so you can fight them over and over again just by exiting and re-entering the screen and level up your characters. Watch the cutscene. You will end up at the spot marked by the white circle: The chest has 100 gold pennies. The chests here yield nightmare bow, an elixir, a power acorn and a salmon. Aveyond 2 Tips & Tricks Walkthrough - Gamezebo You have a choice-you can either take the sleep flute or emeralds. Ahriman's Prophecy; Aveyond 1: Rhen's Quest; Aveyond 2: Ean's Quest; Aveyond 3: Orbs of Magic. Elini's indra, Rhen's Nightmare Flight spell and Lars' decompose works wonders. Gold-use it for 100,000 gold. You will be given a choice- you can join Dameon or fight Ahriman, the consequences need not be discussed as it is crystal clear what do they mean. 3) Rub the genies lamp in your inventory. Released: 24-Jan-2008, File Size: 45.6 KB. As soon as you are on the world map, walk down by around 13-14 paces and take a right turn. Finding the missing Truffle in Caves. Enter deep into the mine and you will find a man stuck with a stone. You are in Oldwoods. Teijals final embrace skill works well. The area has a quail egg and a total of 4 chests containing 150 gold pennies, 1 covey balm, 350 gold pennies and one apple. The house beside the weapons house has a second floor to it. Talk to Tiberius and Alora, you will be given two quests, but you can accomplish either of them not both (will be discussed later). Climb up the ladder onto the next area. GOD-This is the goody of all goodies. Before leaving to the following area, see the locations of the chests and collect the items from them; you will get- enchanted helmet, bone shield, crusher (best bow for Teijal), gargoyle whip (best whip for Elini), cloak of death and mithra shield (best shield). Important Note Put the stronghold key in the door before you and enter Ahrimans Lair. If you select the climbing guide, go to your inventory and select it to learn the climbing skill. Go through the door to his north and then take the right passage. You will find the skudder location on the peninsula map. Get back one screen and trace back your way to the bifurcation. It would have yielded something else if you didnt dig up the rune in the wilderness of Eastern Empire. Now since you already know what she wants to know, your quest is solved.