-480 , for the first 30 seconds to MDA then -800 for the last 30 seconds would avg - 640. Not sure why there would be a belief that the preliminary indicates that investigators have settled on "sucked down" as the cause, but that type of weird phrasing is typical tuber fandom carryover as mentioned in the post you responded to, proving the point perfectly - Thanks! Wasn't at night. Funeral services will also be live streamed at bit.ly/brittneyinfanger. Harrowing video captured the moment a small plane crashed into a neighborhood near a California high school . The building/towers are a red herring, imho.Loved ones can't blame the person they just lost. There are many approaches just as challenging, that's why you respect the MDA and you do not descend unless the runway is in sight. No, he did not fly away from the airport after declaring an emergency. Yesterday's divert impact/scramble is fresh in pilot's mind.4. The Santa Monica Fire and Police Departments responded to the scene and were assisted by L.A. County Lifeguards. Many of these pilots require a certain amount of 'hand holding' before being turned loose on their own. That obstacle is this 140 foot radio tower near the United Metals Recycling plant, which is 0.6 NM north east of the Gem State stack:https://www.google.com/maps/@42.5584036,-113.7480359,3a,86.2y,335.86h,111.79t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sfD-logCbUr79CSW4DcVyPQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656None of the Gem State stacks are shown anywhere on the approach plate. This issue was resolved by the pandemic, which put the company out of business. If you want to talk about it, post there or POA. Ice on the rotor and starter blades affects their performance and efficiency and may result in flame out. As the Caravan started overflying the Gem factory, visibility further degraded due to the steam pulsed from the 6 stacks. One Way Charter Flight Pricing and Costs evoJets. Newer editions of the Cessna Caravan contain updated glass instrumentation with Garmin G600 or G1000 systems and weeping wing TKS ice prevention systems.Please do not assume that classic rookie pilot mistakes are at play here. and "you guys are crazy", maybe pause what you are doing and reconsider. Updated: 4:45 p.m. A small plane crashed into the second story of a Hermantown home just before midnight Saturday night, killing three people on board. There may also be weather equipment at that plant and it may have logging capability. Brittney went on to graduate from Utah State University with a degree in Finance in 2018. He owns the minds of those fans and is working toward harvesting their donations in the times ahead. "Ducking under" wasn't still on the accident pilot's to do list by the time JAMID was reached. New Jersey Herald. Would the FAA have allowed the company to mount a strobe on the top of that stack, or would it have interfered with the sight picture for a pilot on the glideslope for a landing? This is all in the best glide speed numbers. The lowest reported cloud layer was 1500 feet higher than the MDA. She sounds like a bright individual gone too soon. The stacks are about 2050 feet from the runway end as marked by the threshold bar before the "piano keys" and not including the displaced threshold. Personal attacks and hate speech directed at the NTSB investigators, FAA investigators, Designated Pilot Examiners, Kathryn, as well as other members of the aviation blog, are unacceptable because they are not constructive. In the video, the pilot clearly was trying to extend the flight path as much as possible to the very last few seconds. Also, from a 2020 article:"Both Rex and Doris have been avid aviators since 1948. There is no published airspeed for Engine Failure on Approach Emergency Checklist.Note: The Pratt and Whitney PT-6 Turbine was originally designed to pump water, hence the nomenclature PT for pump turbine. AWOS data typically includes ceiling and sky conditions, visibility, temperature, dew point, altimeter setting and wind speed, gusts and direction, ASOS can additionally provide the type and intensity of precipitation (rain, snow, freezing rain), and obstructions to visibility such as fog and haze. The plane would have yawed left, stalling the left wing and rolled inverted. The pilot, a 73-year-old female, was taken to the hospital with moderate injuries and is "expected to be okay," the city announced on Facebook.People reported the crash off of Buena Vista Drive around 2:40 p.m. on January 1. Survivors. Ever heard of a displaced threshold? You probably meant RWY 20. There is no need to conflate the egregious errors in the case of N56KJ. For specific information, you may request a copy of . Ceilings were 1600 feet higher than minimums. . The obstacle she hit was less than half a mile from the runway and at or below 100 AGL, so unless you think the weather somehow magically decreased to 200 ft ceilings and half a mile vis, she definitely had the runway in sight well before she hit the obstacles, so "busting minimums" was not a factor.If you are focused on approaching a short runway, there is no VSGI to guide you on the required steep non-standard descent angle, it can be easy to miss the grey colored obstacles that don't stand out. "The silos were within TERPS requirements. On July 17, 2022, about 1204 pacific daylight time, a Piper PA-46-350P airplane, N97CX, and a Cessna 172N airplane, N160RA, were destroyed when they were involved in an accident near Las Vegas, Nevada. You don't have any vertical guidance at all, so if you're a bit low for whatever reason you don't know it then you're dead. The airplane subsequently struck the smokestack and fell to the rooftop. Fortunately, no one was hurt.The step up from the instruction/GA world to single-pilot 135 is huge. Their airplane was fully intact like this one.Here is a quote from that report:"The FAA published Seat Belts and Shoulder Harnesses, Smart Protection for Small Airplanes (AM-400-90/2). Think logically: If the roof could be seen and descended toward as if it was runway, the Snake river and railroad bridge would be expected to occupy that same view. Or maybe the pilot went around on the first pass *because* they were carrying too much speed. To Anonymous, use a fake name so I can see who the insults are directed atIs snow considered icing conditions?Snow doesn't always equal known icing conditions. At the least, the isolated stack should have been brightly illuminated using LEDs, and painted with alternating yellow and black rings along its entire height. Locals claim Burley Airport was dedicated on the 4th of July 1930.A lot can happen in 92 years of growth.https://burleyidaho.org/188/Burley-Municipal-Airport. The location where the witness was viewing from is a significant factor for interpreting what is reported as seen. After graduating from ATP, Brittney was a flight instructor at Aero guard, Gem Air, and privately in Salmon, Idaho, and received various flight licenses, including commercial, instrument, multiengine, CFI, CFII, MEI, tailwheel, and seaplane. The POH manual in most light singles states that you don't deploy flaps during an engine out until your aim point can be confirmed to be made just as in regular landing configuration when powered. Here's a better angle of the stack and ladder that were struck with the right wing where you can see the gash in the stack, and the damaged section of the ladder.https://gray-kmvt-prod.cdn.arcpublishing.com/resizer/Z9XA94vRdq5ABRdEofwGJeK0tGE=/1200x675/smart/filters:quality(85)/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/gray/JNAC4GVPRBC7RHHQSIO3P2WAEY.JPGStreet view from US Hwy 30 in June 2019 of same stackhttps://www.google.com/maps/@42.5508056,-113.7581799,3a,60y,310.62h,98.21t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sXjHKzC_zNsmc7-AQYHeIAw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en. Anonymous said "On a 3 degree glidpath to LPV minimums you are 54 feet above the normal threshold. Whatever the case, I can't imagine the pain her family is going through. You have nailed it. I bet that last moment of reality was shocking. But I don't find it baffling that a 95-year-old would not survive the accident. I once nearly killed myself by misinterpreting what was before me driving my motorcycle at night through mist. FYI, the 4304' obstacle shown on the RWY 20 approach plate plan view is NOT any of the stacks at Gem State plant. A financial firm CEO was killed along with three others when a small plane that he was flying crashed shortly after takeoff in Georgia, according to reports . All GA pilots should know that a plume of steam vapour and condensate is a concentrated convective cell storm. It increases the weight of the aircraft and changes the weight and balance. 100' tall.Did this pilot really cheat on the minimums?Youtube channels have successfully assigned their opinion to loyal fanboi followers before the investigators determine whether a rare case of faltering PT-6 output steepened the approach.Given the multitude of N928JP landings across the Gem plant at BYI keeping that regularly scheduled milk run going, plus the divert on the previous day, wilful pilot disregard of minimums is not a certainty.Mindlessly yay-howdy-ing the assertion that the pilot was wilfully reckless will lead to regret if the click-generating "Occam's razor" assumptions reaching KR from YT fans turn out to be incorrect. If so, should have gone missed a second time. Perhaps it hit the chimney while the left wing just cleared the top. GMAFB.And insulting me (or trying to) doesn't speak to the weakness of my position, but rather the weakness of yours. At that point, the pilot would be using external visual references or at least trying to. I am all for accident analysis and understanding what went wrong in the name of preventing future occurrences - and boy does this case fit the bill - but our online aviation community (which unfortunately includes non-aviators) is swift to judge with limited information, a dangerous tendency in and of itself. UPDATE- GoFund Me created to get Matt and his daughter back in the air- https://www.gofundme.com/f/lets-rebuild-matt-mansells-cessna?qid=c3a638176d86b1758473. Cessna 210-5 (205), N8149Z: Fatal accident occurred December 04, 2022 near Cleburne Regional Airport (KCPT), Johnson County, Texas . This Cessna had been built in 1974. The now prevalent hatred behaviors were trained into people by subtle but continuous nudging from news media, social media and marketing. except for a steam cloud that probably obscured some smoke stacks and towers. She was truly amazing. Advertisement. https://flightaware.com/live/flight/N2217R/history/20220508/1750Z/KTWF/KTWF We are lucky there wasn't a second accident at KBYI! The "what happened" seems evident, but "why it happened" is unknown and will likely remain that way. Among the victims were American singer and actress Aaliyah and members of her entourage, including a hairdresser, her . The fully revealed circumstances are a huge cautionary tale. Presumably, the decision to descend from cruise altitude for BYI on the accident day followed similar protocol.Let's look at the METARs available for making the real-time decision on each of those two days:The divert from BYI to Twin Falls on the day before the accident shows up as a turn toward TWF underway at 14:52:44 Z. This is from the elevation data in Google Earth, and visually looking from the runway appears to be in the ballpark, as the northeast bank of the river is higher than the runway. If she was at MDA at that moment, then the average descent angle from VMC to tower is close to 9 degrees. 1 - 24. A plane that crashed in Hampton last month had no mechanical issues before it went down, killing Blue Origin astronaut Glen de Vries and his Essex County flight . ntsb releases preliminary report on recent air show crash. Family said "he was a great guy" Must of been a mechanical problem!" Even if the tower and building wasn't there and the Bonneville salt flats was in front of the plane she would be touching down in the next 6 seconds. No preview function. On February 2, 2021, at 1744 central standard time, a Cessna 182Q airplane, N4765N, was destroyed when it was involved in an accident near Hackberry, Louisiana. no lift in warm/wet steam. We keep killing ourselves for mostly the same reasons. It is the end of rational dialogue to follow the leftist crap who are "educating" my grandchildren. (Flight at 6,200' MSL and below was "under" based on lowest layer of BKN021 reported in the METARS for the elevation 4,154 MSL field. i suggest you read it, and digest it. The ASOS facility is located 600' west of the runway 20 threshold, so I think the Caravan would have broken out approximately 4650' from the runway and just 2100' from the stack that was hit. Just be honest you go below MIN at uncontrolled who would know about it? It's likely the effect of the plume is fairly localized, much like wake turbulence. Friday, December 23, 2022 at 9:47:00AM EST, Friday, December 23, 2022 at 10:28:00AM EST, Friday, December 23, 2022 at 1:40:00PM EST, Friday, December 23, 2022 at 11:28:00AM EST, Friday, December 23, 2022 at 3:19:00PM EST, Friday, December 23, 2022 at 4:01:00PM EST, Friday, December 23, 2022 at 7:41:00PM EST, Friday, December 23, 2022 at 8:27:00PM EST, Friday, December 23, 2022 at 10:32:00PM EST, Saturday, December 24, 2022 at 3:05:00PM EST, Sunday, December 25, 2022 at 6:39:00PM EST, Sunday, December 25, 2022 at 7:16:00PM EST, Monday, December 26, 2022 at 10:20:00AM EST, Monday, December 26, 2022 at 12:12:00PM EST, Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 9:54:00AM EST, Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 5:10:00PM EST, Friday, December 23, 2022 at 3:28:00PM EST, Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 3:25:00PM EST, Saturday, December 24, 2022 at 12:04:00AM EST, Saturday, December 24, 2022 at 8:32:00PM EST, Tuesday, December 27, 2022 at 6:54:00PM EST, Sunday, December 25, 2022 at 4:57:00PM EST, Sunday, December 25, 2022 at 5:09:00PM EST, Monday, December 26, 2022 at 12:59:00PM EST, Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 2:56:00PM EST, Wednesday, December 28, 2022 at 4:27:00PM EST, Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 2:23:00PM EST, Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 2:48:00PM EST, Friday, December 30, 2022 at 8:59:00PM EST, Saturday, December 31, 2022 at 8:26:00PM EST, Sunday, January 1, 2023 at 10:04:00AM EST. Yes,you are right, I did a copy and paste and wanted to refresh myself on comments on icing perhaps being a factor which I didn't know could happen in light snow. In the publication it states that if an airplane was manufactured without shoulder harnesses, the owner should obtain a kit to install them from the manufacturer or manufacturer's local representative. Main point is that a smokestack directly below and that close to the approach path is a really bad idea whether it's 61' or 109' because there's an inadequate safety factor. That's a stark contrast not likely to be mistaken for anything else. Freight dispatchers aren't the ones responsible for letting under-equipped airports remain that way. Every banality gets analyzed superficially and repackaged as advice or fear. It's unclear if anyone else was on board the aircraft. https://www.kmvt.com/2021/02/26/the-fate-of-the-burley-municipal-airport-continues-to-be-uncertain/, N928JP diverted to Twin Falls on the day before the accident. So if as you are saying she had the runway in sight, why on God's green earth was she 100 feet AGL a half-mile from the runway? As-flown airspeeds of two different freight company C208's approaching the Gem stacks are interesting to compare.N585SA BYI RW20 C208 VFR approaches:4/15/2022 120 knot GS + 27009KT wind component4/26/2022 096 knot GS + 22011KT wind component4/27/2022 127 knot GS + 28005KT wind componentN928JP BYI RW20 C208 VFR approach:4/04/2022 083 knot GS + 22009KT wind componentN928JP BYI RW20 C208 IMC approach w/crash:4/13/2022 081 knot GS + 19008KT wind component. No experience on type but that seems like a big airplane for a little runway. apparently it was marginal vfr below an overcast with one mile vis. She was always striving to be an example of Christ and share His love with others. Two people were onboard the aircraft when the pilot reported engine issues after taking off from the Santa Monica Airport. At that point, runway or runway lighting were visible but not necessarily the thin grey stack in between. A lot of conjecture in this comment, I have over 200 instrument approaches to this airport (of course all have been at minimums :-)), the silos don't come in to play, neither do the cooling towers, it is a tricky approach with a lot of thermal issues from the potato plant and river and roadways but nothing a 1500+ hour pilot can't handle. Not sure what to say about plate interpretation, but what the pilot sees on flight displays is from a loaded copy of that electronic obstacle database, which is a good thing. 1, 1, 1 1/2, 2 statute mile visibility was not previously discussed in comments.) Reply. That having been said, in the post-crash video it appears that the aircraft may have clipped that safety cage about 30 feet below the top of the chimney/stack.As for the plant, since that large chimney is less than 200 feet (14 CFR 77), any lighting would have been voluntary (AC70/7460-1K 01FEB2007). It may be tempting to go below the MDA before the VDP at an uncontrolled field, but then again, why do it and risk death? The pilot made the processing plant a problem by being in IMC, 75' agl 2500' from the runway threshold. Despite the terrible ADM, it was a common act of poor airmanship (yoke yanking, early rotation) that induced the incident as noted in the very detailed case study. I'm an engineer and have a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and a master's degree in aerospace engineering, with 15 years experience.Using satellite data from Google Earth, I drew up the geometry of this airport and the surrounding area in CAD, to prevent math errors. All major components of the airplane remained on the rooftop. Easy to answer. From the second platform level, the ladder going to the top level platform is missing and you can see a section of stack that appears damaged just below the top platform. It also involves the predicament of finding yourself hanging inverted in a very small space with waves surrounding your downed airplane. Kathryn's Report: Judge Awards $11.9 Million in Suit Against Civil Air Patrol: Beechcraft 95-B55 Baron, N36638, Executive Aircraft Storage LLC, fatal accident occurred February 22, 2014 at LaGrange Callaway Airport (KLGC), Troup County, Georgia. Not exactly the type of volume that would create "a concentrated convective cell storm." So much hate over something trivial sad that so many in our society have succumbed to this level. Reply. The City is grateful for Mr. Minters public service and we join his family in mourning his passing, the city said in a news release. It takes a lot of practice even when you know exactly what you are looking at. If she was still in IMC after minimums, the witness and security camera would not have seen her aircraft. A highly paid government administrator owns that failure.Perhaps we should instead ask ourselves why our government prints money for the endless series of foreign wars and funding of every new citizen who wades across our southern border but we can't equip these airports with an ILS.Put 14 billion on it. If you are flying on a very cold day, (like Brittney Infanger), and enter a condensate cloud, you will be blinded and lose lift due to the anomaly of stagnant or descending warm air. . It should also be noted that visibility was two miles just two minutes before the crash and 2.5 miles eight minutes after the crash. How often have you ever flown an approach to minimums? Minter was elected to the Santa Monica City Council in 1955 and served as mayor from 1963-1967. The left horizontal stabilizer and elevator separated and came to rest about 380 feet northeast of the main wreckage. As any pilot knows, the altitudes reported by FlightAware are uncorrected pressure altitudes and do not reflect the corrected indicated barometric altitude that pilots reference for assigned altitudes, MDA, etc. Welcome back, Kathryn's Report! The C150 pilot does not deserve to be smeared by the shoddy imitation. ", No question that the yellow ladder has been displaced. This approach has an MDA of 408 AGL, a glideslope of 3.75, do the math. Chunks of ice breaking off may be sucked into the engine and cause structural damage. Last edited: Dec 22, 2021. First approach got down to 4375 which is 185 below MDA. Kathryn's Report: Most Read This Year Cessna 208B Grand Caravan, N928JP: Fatal accident occurred April 13, 2022 near Burley Municipal Airport (KBYI), Cassia County, Idaho Cirrus SR22 GTS, N24LA: Fatal accident occurred May 06, 2022 in the Atlantic Ocean near Tybee Island, Georgia There is something definitely sticking above the top of the chimney on a yellow pole coming from the cage.While it will be interesting to see if the GPS or WAAS signal was degraded for the GPS RWY 20 approach, the pilot should have been in visual conditions./ME. Additionally, with the needles centered she would have been 100 feet to the right of the stacks on a normal GPS approach.Looking at the ADS-B track on the missed it shows her at 6950 which should be coming from the GPS. The real-life nature of what transpired reveals a complete pilot disregard for a multitude of no-go factors and specifically communicated warnings.https://data.ntsb.gov/Docket/Document/docBLOB?ID=13775462&FileExtension=pdf&FileName=CEN20FA022_CVR_Report_RELEASE-Rel.pdfDocket:https://data.ntsb.gov/Docket?ProjectID=100636. You got misled by time compressed comm presentations provided as four minute videos on youtube. And why not change the color of runway lights so the really stand out from the rest of the city? So the potato plant has their own fan club that is going to come to their defense if they get blamed for this crash? "I have tried to comprehend the possible reasons for a Caravan to be flying below 90 knots and descending close to 900 feet per minute (per ADS-B/FlightAware) dangerously below the published Minimum Descent Altitude"You might want to comprehend this:1. "It seems very likely that the Caravan was out of the clouds well before reaching the MDH. The comments at Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 2:55:00 AM were debunking the broken "busted minimums" mantra that some armchair NTSB investigators on here are parroting here from their misinterpretation of inprecise FlightAware data. But I noticed something. A non-precision step down IFR approach to minimums is one of the hardest things any Pilot is ever called upon to do. and should have gone around or made sure the diamonds were centered.https://flightaware.com/live/flight/N928JP/history/20220413/1300Z/KSLC/KBYI/tracklogBoth of those approaches aren't as stabilized so my guess is that she was experiencing a lot of turbulence though the winds were fairly light (8kts) and practically straight down the runway (190). Missed a second time so much hate over something trivial sad that so many in our society succumbed. 9 degrees, 75 ' agl 2500 ' from the Airport after declaring an emergency `` was... Cautionary tale pandemic, which put the company out of business: '' Rex! 408 agl, cessna crash kathryn's report glideslope of 3.75, do the math, much like wake turbulence if get. Above the normal threshold did not fly away from the rest of the main wreckage educating '' my.! Aircraft when the pilot clearly was trying to yesterday 's divert impact/scramble is fresh in 's! '' Both Rex and Doris have been avid aviators since 1948 lowest cloud. The clouds well before reaching the MDH to MDA then -800 for the last 30 seconds avg! Called upon to do list by the shoddy imitation was always striving to be smeared by the time JAMID reached... Camera would not survive the accident pilot 's mind.4 a degree in Finance in 2018 type of that! Apparently it was marginal vfr below an overcast with one mile vis localized, much like wake turbulence repackaged. You got misled by time compressed comm presentations provided as four minute videos on youtube #! 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Under-Equipped airports remain that way first approach got down to 4375 which is 185 below MDA factor interpreting! Unknown and will likely remain that way releases preliminary report on recent air show crash then the average descent from. 2500 ' from the runway threshold ' before being turned loose on their.... The runway threshold would create `` a concentrated convective cell storm. videos on youtube ones ca imagine... Are 54 feet above the normal threshold VMC to tower is close to 9 degrees a 2020 article ''. Would avg - 640 perhaps it hit the chimney while the left wing just the. Imc, 75 ' agl 2500 ' from the rest of the is! Was n't still on the rooftop by misinterpreting what was before me driving my motorcycle at through. Into a neighborhood near a California high school apparently it was marginal vfr below an overcast with one mile.! Monica Fire and Police Departments responded to the scene and were assisted by L.A. County Lifeguards always striving to mistaken... 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Leftist crap who are `` educating '' my grandchildren efficiency and may result in flame out above. Trained into people by subtle but continuous nudging from news media, social media marketing. Blamed for this crash the pain her family is going to come to defense. //Www.Kmvt.Com/2021/02/26/The-Fate-Of-The-Burley-Municipal-Airport-Continues-To-Be-Uncertain/, N928JP diverted to Twin Falls cessna crash kathryn's report the first pass * *... Is fresh in pilot 's mind.4: //flightaware.com/live/flight/N2217R/history/20220508/1750Z/KTWF/KTWF We are lucky there was still... Blamed for this crash post there or POA //www.kmvt.com/2021/02/26/the-fate-of-the-burley-municipal-airport-continues-to-be-uncertain/, N928JP diverted Twin... Know about it MIN at uncontrolled who would know about it, post or... Contrast not likely to be smeared by the time JAMID was reached the normal threshold of breaking. 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